Church of Repentance Organization in Everus | World Anvil

Church of Repentance

The Church of Repentance is one of three major religious orders that encompass the worship of the god; Dawn. The other two orders being the Church of Rebirth and the Church of the New Day.   This church values in a person a willingness to admit a fault, then cleanse themselves of sin through pain, be it physical, mental or social. Common methods of repenting are: whipping / self flagilating, fasting for long periods, periods of indentured servitude / community service or public shaming. Once the clergy has assinged a punishment and it has been carried out, that individual is then considered free or clean of their sin, and are treated as an innoccent (though usually there is still contention with the law, if the sin was something more extreme).   Worship in this method is considered extreme by many, espeicially those who aren't used to this style of religious practise, such as in areas that have just been converted to Repenthism. Despite this, Repenthism is actually more common in war-torn and strained areas. Not because the populace want them there but because the Empire of Lowvire, being keen in the practise of Dawn worship, desire to convert as many people among the countries they invade over to their side.
Religious, Holy Order
Alternative Names
Parent Organization
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