Untitled Campaign, Session One: You All Meet In A Tavern... Report in Evermore | World Anvil
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Untitled Campaign, Session One: You All Meet In A Tavern...

General Summary

Five travelers happen to find themselves patrons of the Green Dragon Inn. Our heroes:
  • Isadora Morrowstar, Half-Elf Witch
  • Malachi Morrowstar, Human Slayer
  • Willow, Halfling Sniper
  • Skorri Irondawn, Dwarf Musket Master
  • Kethryn Goldenbraid, Dwarf Alchemist
Isadora and Malachi are married, and Skorri and Kethryn have met before. Still, though, mostly everyone is unknown to the others, and say little to each other when things go down. Oswald, the Halfling innkeeper, is paid a visit by a corrupt city watch sergeant. Naturally, everyone in this tavern decides that they need to fight these corrupt watchmen...   So a couple of irl hours later, the fight is done. Skorri and a barmaid are knocked out, but everyone's damage is primarily nonlethal. Together, the survivors decide to make it seem as though all the unconsious guards were supremely drunk, and go to great lengths to make it look like that. See, the Heir to the Imperial Throne is coming in to town soon, and the watch captains are very quick to punish lately. As a reward for saving his bar, Oswald treats the party to healing from a nearby temple, and everyone decides they should leave before more watchmen show up.    Sticking together, the group seeks out new lodgings. They are directed to the Silver Dragon Inn (the City of Dragonscale has a gimmick, can you guess what it is?) by a helpful Legionairre, after the soldier was allowed to geek out over Skorri's "shootbang" and buying a little firework from Kethryn. He even tells the dwarves about an Elvish gentleman hoping to hire guards for his ruin-diving mission staying nearby.    So, at the end of a long day, the party has bought themselves room at the Silver Dragon, and sat down to speak with the Elf lord, a man by the name of Matthias. He's going to be leaving for the ruins after the city's festival is over, in a week or so, and he would love to have the group around to work as guards.

Rewards Granted

  • 200 XP
  • 10 gold each
  • Lost favor with Dragonscale Watch faction
  • Gained favor with 13th Legion faction

Missions/Quests Completed

  • We All Start Somewhere: Successfully found your first quest
  • Under The Boot: Sided with Oswald over the Watch. 
Report Date
16 Oct 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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