The Pact Session Eight: The Ballz at the Ball Report in Evermore | World Anvil
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The Pact Session Eight: The Ballz at the Ball

General Summary

  • Our heroes get dressed in their fanciest digs after doing a little shopping, and go by enchanted carriage to the ball
  • Some retroactive work beforehand determined that the Iron Shadow had turned down a contract on Lady Jael, and that the person hiring assassins works for the Confederacy
  • Naturally, at the party, there are a few Elvish diplomats hanging out. A little magic determines that there are plenty of guards here hiding weapons magically, but a little Wisdom tells that that isn't the problem
  • Long story short, the Traveling Ballz retreat to the throne room, lying empty, to get their lady out of immediate danger
  • Oh god oh fuck, the Elves hired a wizard. The wizard enchants a couple of Minotaur ambassadors to do the murder
  • One was easily distracted and was unable to join the battle immediately, and the party valiantly beat the shit out of a bull person, with plenty of puns on both sides of this legendary beef
  • Once the ambassador lay unconscious, retreat down a secret door before the other one shows up
  • Only to find the Count himself, getting away from the party for a little bit
  • They promise to keep his secret room a secret, and he promises not to have them executed for trespassing, so it's a win-win
  • The party escapes via giant badger, come up in the middle of the street, and head back for Mockingbird Manor
  • The lady Jael explains that she's mad about all of this and has big plans, but she isn't allowed to leave the city. The party accepts her quest to travel around and gather specific artifacts of power for her, the first being the an enchanted helmet located in a dungeon outside of Giving Town, and they set out immediately, since they did technically beat up a diplomat and nobody wants to deal with that

Character(s) interacted with

Report Date
16 Sep 2021
Primary Location
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