Night Shards Item in Everiall | World Anvil

Night Shards

The fabled Night Shards are ancient broken pieces of the night, that have been said to possess infinite power and supply magic wielders with unlimited resources.   Night Shards are described as slim broken pieces of multicolored crystal no larger than a wallnut.    


Magic wielders are said to be able to gain unimaginable powers and strength from Night Shards. They become invincible, immortal, all-powerful beings with no limitations. In other words: Gods.


They outdate any known culture and society existing in the world. Some stories say the shards are pieces of an ancient broken night sky from The Before.
No one knows how The Before sky was shattered, some suspect the world simply ended, and that this world will end in a similar shattering, others think it was an act of divine strength and rage that ruined and destroyed The Before world, leaving only the shattered pieces of night as a warning to worlds to come. Though no one knows what it is a warning against.
Item type
The common public is not aware of the existence of these magical shards, and only people who have done extensive studies in the arcane or descent from notable and powerful bloodlines, have heard of these items, let alone seen one.
In most circles, shards are disregarded as fairytale stories or mythical items from a lost time. It is rumored that the most ancient families have these relics, but nothing has ever been confirmed.
Base Price
Night Shard by King's Feather


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