The Lunare Vehicle in Everfield | World Anvil
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The Lunare

“But I need use no arguments to convince you of the necessity of making the emoluments of our navy equal, if not superior, to theirs.” - Admiral Oliver Dale

The royal flagship, Lunare



  When Empress Celia LeFer Esmaria rose to power, she wanted to spread the Esmarian Empire's zone of control to the sea. The result was a vessel that could represent the greatness of the empire. Built with the most powerful magic items available to the empire, the Lunare is a technological marvel that alone rivals a medium sized fleet.  


Stretching a whopping 400 ft, this ship can house over 200 people. It's five masts stretch tall and are reinforced with rare metals, 7 lateen sails hang majestically and a large figurehead of an angel with wings spreading along the sides of the ship hangs above an Aberdeen bow. The ship is mostly made of wood, but is filled with molten gold along intricate engravings in the upper part of the freeboard. It's overall look makes any passing ship look like a cheapskate attempt of a ship.

Operation and maintenance

  Being as big and powerful as it is, the Lunare requires regular maintenance. Docked at the Esmarian main harbor of [Rivermere], the Lunare is continuously upgraded and maintained. When new magic items are acquired and technology discovered, the Lunare is often upgraded to accommodate it. Some of the items include a spell batteries, force shields and more. It also contains traditional artillery such as long distance canons.   The Lunare is rarely used in common matters, but use cases include but are not limited to: discovery and mapping of the sea outside the boundless, military affairs, fending of pirates and more.
Owning Organization

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