Champions of Justice Organization in Evera | World Anvil

Champions of Justice


Originally, the Champions were the most impressive paladin force in Lifeon and later in Vasanna as well. They usually moved in a groups of 12: 10 knight, a leader Champion and his "steward"*.
In Ralnor's temples, anybody can ask for justice. Falsely accused persons - or those who wish to belive so - they may seek secondary judgement from Ralnor's priest or Champions.
The priests and knights can coming from any social status, but all Champions are nobles.
*The Champion's steward is more like a secretary for the group, than a fighter: arranging accommodation, supplies; collects data and information related to the mission; writes down, what happened and prepares reports, if necessary.


There is only two temple remained (4E 414): one in Oldcamp and the other is in Rockwood. Both of them has a "rightful" leader of the Champions, and the knights from the different temples are hostile to each other.
Religious, Holy Order
Isteni Személyiségek

Cover image: by Lia Felis (with Adobe Express)
Character flag image: Ralnor by Lia Felis (with Adobe Express)


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