Kalthii Ethnicity in Evenea | World Anvil

Kalthii (Call th ee)

The Kalthii, or Southmen, are a race of darker-skinned men from southern Eveynjar, making their home in the Kalth, the Frinden Desert, and Fahliilenjar. They are extremely resistant to heat and excel at combat. Many are known to become masters at given skills and teach them to others. The Southmen, along with the Panthranis, Testoideans, Muridai, and a collection of other races formed an ancient nation that spanned across the entirety of Southern Eveynjar. As such, they have a distinct kinship with them.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Rebekah, Ewa, Sarai, Minrai, Rachel, Leah, Ruth, Falrah

Masculine names

Uri, Varuel, Corianelem, Pahoran, Moronai, Alma, Lamahn, Gidgidorai

Family names

Kalthii Family names are after their parents, generally following paternal or maternal, depending on gender. Ex. Uri son of Varuel, Ewa daughter of Minrai


Beauty Ideals

Kalthii beauty ideals are no different than ancient and modern humans.

Gender Ideals

Kalthii gender ideals are similar to ancient israelite customs.

Courtship Ideals

Similar to ancient israelite customs.

Relationship Ideals

Kalthii relationships vary just like normal people.
Encompassed species
Related Locations