Ozzanth Character in Etria | World Anvil
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Ancient of Earth: Ozzanth (a.k.a. King of the Mountains)

I am Ozzanth. I am the vessel of the earth's power. Every creature, every rock, every single plant and tree and insect, they are all my people. I am their king. I do not, however, rule them as your human monarchs rule their people. For me, every thing of the earth's magic is sacred, worthy of protection and care. I offer that protection and care even when nobody else will. I have noticed that, of my brethren, I am the only one with this outlook on my domain. The reason, I have concluded, is that none of them have as many living beings within their scope of magic. This is not an insult towards my brethren, it is simply an observation. You may take my statement as you will. Be warned, however, that if you are one of the humans bent on destroying my people for what you call "profit," then your criticism holds no weight with me.

- Ozzanth, Ancient of Earth

Divine Domains

Ozzanth holds power over the earth. This includes plants, rocks, gemstones, and animals. He also has domain over all of Earthen Magic.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Ozzanth is often represented by objects from his domain, such as stones and plants. Among his most common symbol is a stalk of grain. His shared symbol, shared by Nirsie, is a token from a beast of their domain. Ozzanth's version of the Shared Symbol is a claw, often depicted on a piece of string to form a necklace.


There is a month dedicated to Ozzanth and his magic. Known as Ozan, it is the third month in the Etrian year and the first month of autumn (according to the Calendar of the Ancients). It is the most powerful time of the year for earthen magic. The last Earthday of the month is Ozzanth's Day, a day to celebrate Ozzanth and earthen dragons and magic. The day is often preceded by various harvest festivals and celebrations.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Ozzanth's ultimate goal is to protect and rule his domains. He believed himself to be the king of earthen magic, the guardian of all nature. Because of this, all his actions revolve around protecting his creatures and himself. Most rulers of ancient times would look to Ozzanth as a guide, believing him to be the ultimate king and a role model to all authoritative figures.

Physical Description

Body Features

Ozzanth was covered in chocolate brown scales with light green edges. Like with the rest of the Ancients, his body is covered in a strange sheen that can change in the light. Ozzanth's sheen is a lush green in color. His horns are a very dark brown, almost black, and are curled like those of a ram. His wings are relatively small, smaller than those of his opposite, Nirsie. He doesn't have spikes running down his spine. There are, however, patches of moss and leaves growing on his scales.

Identifying Characteristics

As with all the Ancients, Ozzanth has markings like teardrops framing his eyes. Ozzanth's markings are a bright iridescent green in color.

Special abilities

During his time, Ozzanth was in control of all land, all nature, and all stone and rock. His more innocuous powers were smaller, such as making land fertile and good for farming, growing plants in minutes. However, in battle, he was known for much more powerful demonstrations. Among his most famous, he could cause the earth to ripple as if it was water. He began earthquakes and split the land apart with a literal blink of the eye.

Like all Ancients, Ozzanth shared an ability with his opposite, Nirsie. Both Ancients had the power to call upon creatures of their domain. Ozzanth could summon any kind of non-magical being to his aid, and could subsequently create his own army in times of need.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ozzanth was created near the very beginning of Etria's existence. As with the other Ancients, he was created fully grown as a physical, draconic representation of his magic. From his first day setting foot onto land, Ozzanth had a desire to protect. He preferred to stay far from humans, instead traveling far into the continent of Eislela, which, then, wasn't nearly as wild as it is today. Deep in the wilderness, Ozzanth created his first home, a place of safety and sanctuary for all dragons of earthen magic.

For a long while, Ozzanth's interactions with humanity were limited. He would only see them when traveling to the rivers and coasts. In the beginning, he thought they were amusing creatures, and would often settle into the forest to watch them. He didn't think that they would ever pose a threat to his dragons or his home. Eventually, however, the humans living on the coats of Eislela began to venture inward. They would hunt dragons, take their homes and their eggs, wear their scales on necklaces. Ozzanth began to chase them away from what he proclaimed to be his territory, believing himself to be the best protection his dragons had. One day, a small group of humans stumbled into his home, a city of earthen dragons. They claimed to be refugees, needing shelter and protection, and that they were being chased. Ozzanth sent a group of dragons to confirm their claims, revealing that there were, indeed, soldiers chasing after the small party. The aggressors were chased out and, thanks to a dragon-tongued member of the group, Ozzanth offered shelter to the humans. After this instance, Ozzanth took it upon himself to offer protection and sanctuary to all creatures, not just those of his own magic.

All his life, Ozzanth made his home in Eislela. Perhaps it was the wilderness, the trees, the large number of earthen dragons. Perhaps it was the fact that the continent was being molded to his magic, becoming more and more wild with every passing day. Ozzanth never specified the reason he loved Eislela so much. All he ever stated was "it feels like home." Whatever the reason, Ozzanth never once made a home on another continent. He moved around Eislela, spending time in the north, the south, the east and the west. He considered Eislela his kingdom, his domain. He believed that he ruled it, and that it was his duty to rule wisely, so that his home never falls apart. To his credit, the nations of Eislela have never been so divided as those of other continents, always finding ways to resolve conflict with diplomacy rather than weapons.

Ozzanth was the second Ancient to choose his dragonmage, right behind Diseo. For a long time, he had agreed with the notion of human magi. He thought that it would be good to have another species with magic. Ozzanth chose a man from a nearby city, the heir to the throne of a small nation. Ozzanth believed the man was wise and good, somebody who wouldn't abuse the power of the earthen dragons. The man, Dragonmage Kishi Hidemichi, supposedly never wielded his power with malicious or hurtful intent. He set an example for earthen dragonmagi that persisted through to the Rescission. It is because of Hidemichi that earthen dragonmagi are viewed as wise, intelligent, careful and compassionate.

The last historical roles played by the Ancient of Earth were in the Light Wars, the Last Day, and the Rescission. Ozzanth's last dragonmage, Dragonmage Ester Loveney, survived the final battle of the First Light War. At first, neither of them participated in the Second Light War, not fully grasping the gravity of the situation. Instead, they stayed outside of the battles, helping the human nations affected by the First Light War to recover. After the assault and eventual destruction of Kersyg's Temple and the massacre of all the creatures hiding there, both Ozzanth and Loveney were prompted to join the battle. After the end of the Second Light War, Ozzanth and Loveney at first opposed the idea of Rescission in its original form (to take away all human magic, not just prevent children from being born with it and allowing magi to eventually die out). Loveney argued that it would destroy the minds of the ruined magi, drive them crazy, or at least cause severe issues with their mental health. Ozzanth believed that if such a spell were to be performed, it would kill off the Ancients entirely, ruining the balance of magic forever. Eventually, after the proposal of Rescission was altered, both stood firmly behind it. Loveney was among the three dragonmagi to receive the prophecy of the Third Light War, and the last human being to see Ozzanth before he, and the rest of the Ancients, vanished.

Gender Identity

The Ancients chose their genders upon creation. Ozzanth chose to be male, and went by he/him pronouns.

Accomplishments & Achievements

There are many accomplishments attributed to the great Ancient of Earth. Purportedly, he was responsible for the creation of his own temple, using his own power to mold it from the earth itself. He also, supposedly, used his powers to help build the rest of the Ancients' temples, as well. There are a few, however, who dispute these claims. Hervaess states that, though Ozzanth aided, slightly, he was not as important in the creation of her temple as he made himself out to be. Kersyg, however, openly denied that Ozzanth had anything to do with the building of his temple. Kersyg stated that Ozzanth barely even knew where the temple was going to be, let alone helping to create it. Ozzanth never fully addressed these claims, especially not Kersyg's. Whether or not he truly built the temples of the other Ancients is entirely up to debate.

Furthermore, Ozzanth has, as previously stated, attributed himself with the peacefulness of Eislela. The results of this, whether the claim is true or not, can be felt to this day. This, however, is much less disputed, as there are a large number of journal entries and records from the old times stating that Ozzanth had resolved an important conflict or prevented a battle, acting as a mediator between the fledgling countries.

Failures & Embarrassments

If there are any failures or embarrassments of Ozzanth, they have never been made public. This may be because he was calm and in control of himself every time he was in public. Of course, it also could have been because Ozzanth controlled the public perception of him.

Personality Characteristics


Ozzanth's motivations always revolved around a protection of his people. He wanted to make sure that dragons of earthen magic were safe, first. However, as he grew older and developed, he began to consider all creatures of Etria, including people and dragons of all magics, as "his people," as well. Ozzanth was driven by a deep desire to protect all people from harm.

Virtues & Personality perks

Ozzanth was known for his wisdom. Every person or dragon on Etria relied on him for advice when in desperate situations. Even at the darkest of times, Ozzanth was able to make decisions calmly and reasonably. He was also very loving, gentle, and emotionally strong. He was known as the "rock" of the Ancients, a sturdy friend to lean on hard times.

Vices & Personality flaws

Despite all his wonderful attributes, Ozzanth was also notoriously self-centered. He believed himself to be the most important creature, thinking of himself as the savior and guardian of Etria. In this way, he became almost insufferable to some of the Ancients.



Fellow Ancient (Important)

Towards Ozzanth




Fellow Ancient (Important)

Towards Arson




Arson and Ozzanth are fellow Ancients. However, Arson does not feel such a connection with Ozzanth as he does with his opposite, Pairess. Arson believed that Ozzanth took himself too seriously, and was rubbed the wrong way by his high-and-mighty nature. But Arson was also acutely aware of Ozzanth's power, and knew he could make either a powerful ally or a formidable enemy. Ozzanth, on the other hand, believed Arson was brash and impulsive, and was all too aware of the damage he could cause to creatures of earthen magic. For the most part, they tolerated one another.

Relationship Reasoning

Being fellow Ancients, Arson and Ozzanth were forced to interact with one another, meaning a relationship was inevitable. They maintain a steady and mutual respect for each other for this reason.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Arson and Ozzanth share a deep desire to protect the people and dragons of their magic. Arson, however, is harsher and more forward about his compassion.


Fellow Ancient; Friend (Important)

Towards Ozzanth




Fellow Ancient; Friend (Important)

Towards Pairess




Pairess and Ozzanth were friends. They worked closely, and their dragons can be seen together on multiple occasions. They studied the Magic together, learning about their own powers and the powers of their brethren. Pairess was never bothered by Ozzanth's kingly attitude, and instead respected and understood his outlook on the world and his dragons.

Relationship Reasoning

The relationship between the two was born from a shared love for knowledge and their dragons. Their care for each other developed through years of study and friendship.


Fellow Ancient; Friend (Vital)

Towards Nirsie




Fellow Ancient; Friend (Vital)

Towards Ozzanth




Ozzanth and Nirsie have always considered one another friends more than anything else. They are quick to help one another and refuse to create conflict between then, preferring to sort out disagreements through respectful conversation. Unlike most Ancients, who believe Nirsie to be childish and naive, Ozzanth sees her for what she is: a wise, if lighthearted, leader. Nirsie, on the other hand, appreciated Ozzanth's calm and levelheadedness. She saw the kindness he showed for his people, but was also aware of the measures he took to maintain his image and, subsequently, his power.

Relationship Reasoning

Nirsie and Ozzanth are Ancients, and are therefore bound by the magic. For this reason, by the Law of Opposites, they must maintain positive relations for the good of their magics and all of Etria.


Fellow Ancient (Important)

Towards Kersyg




Fellow Ancient (Important)

Towards Ozzanth




Ozzanth and Kersyg are not particularly fond of one another. This is mostly due to their differing opinions on the roles of the Ancients. Ozzanth believes Kersyg is a good dragon, somebody who will do what they must to protect his magic, but at the same time, doesn't think he is strong enough as a leader. Kersyg, on the other hand, know Ozzanth is wise and powerful, but believes he puts too much faith in himself.

Relationship Reasoning

As Ancients, Ozzanth and Kersyg would have eventually come into either conflict or friendship, depending on a number of factors. However, a difference of opinion has caused their relationship to be shaky. While Ozzanth views the Ancients as rulers, meant to preside over their domains as if they are monarchs, Kersyg believes they are guides, meant to keep the Magic in check, but not to exert such control over it.


Fellow Ancient; Friend (Important)

Towards Diseo




Fellow Ancient; Friend (Important)

Towards Ozzanth




Ozzanth and Diseo consider one another a friend. Each holds the other in high regard, knowing that they are strong allies, and that they share similar ideals. They often work together for the betterment of Etria and for the good of their domains.

Relationship Reasoning

As Ancients, it is inevitable that they would interact. Ozzanth and Diseo share very similar beliefs about the role of the Ancients. However, while Ozzanth believes they should rule, Diseo believes they need simply to protect their people.


Fellow Ancient (Important)

Towards Kanais




Fellow Ancient (Important)

Towards Ozzanth




Kanais and Ozzanth don't have as strong a relationship as they do with other Ancients, as they are relatively distant from one another. Ozzanth believes Kanais is reasonable, but apathetic, while Kanais appreciates Ozzanth's logical side but believes he puts too much faith in emotion.

Relationship Reasoning

This pair simply never had a reason for their relationship to bloom. They didn't interact with one another on a regular basis, only when necessary, and therefore developed shallow opinions of each other that, while mostly positive, don't tell the entire story.


Fellow Ancient (Important)

Towards Hervaess




Fellow Ancient (Important)

Towards Ozzanth




Ozzanth and Hervaess are a strange pair. They never found love for one another, rather respect for their abilities. Ozzanth respects Hervaess, but also fears her. He knows she is unpredictable and, quite possibly, dangerous. He tries to avoid her for this reason. Hervaess, however, has a more positive opinion of Ozzanth. She sees him as kind and compassionate, making a positive difference despite his massive amount of influence over Etria and its magic and the harm he could cause to both.

Relationship Reasoning

As with Ozzanth and Kanais, Ozzanth and Hervaess simply never knew each other well enough. They developed respect for each other, and both positive and negative opinions of their personalities and magic, but never found a reason to act upon them. They only come into contact when necessary.

Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Ancient of Earth; Master Dragon of Earthen Magic; King of the Mountains
Circumstances of Birth
Ozzanth was created at the very beginning of earthen magic, alongside the other seven Ancients.
Center Ocean
Current Residence
Bright green, wise
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Chocolate brown, green spots/patterning, iridescent golden sheen.
5.5m or 18.05ft at the shoulder.
5.5 tons

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Author's Notes

Something you'll probably notice as you explore this world is that some articles are better written than others. This is because I'm still a developing writer, so the later articles will be done better because I am, in fact, a better writer upon making them. You'll have to forgive the older articles and their writing style. I do plan on going back and revising them! ...Eventually. Truth be told, at this point I'm more focused on understanding my world than I am with making amazing articles. Thanks for being patient/understanding/tolerant of me and my flaws!

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