The Inquisition Organization in Ethuria | World Anvil
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The Inquisition

The Western Continent's devoted Demon-Hunting religion of Tolaris Foc


The Black Cardinal

The supreme head of the Inquisition. He sits on the council of the 13 and is the most feared person in the Emeritian Empire.

The Lord Inquisitors

The Highest officers in the Inquisition. These Inquisitors are each in charge of a district of Chapter Houses (or an individual one, depending on its importance), or they may be unattached, free to roam and accuse as they wish.

Inquisitor Captians

In charge of less important Chapter Houses, or else attached to military formations as officers. They may also be deployed as field agents, to track and kill powerful rogue Demons.


A field agent tasked with hunting and killing Demons, heretics, unbelievers and any other such undesirables as required by the red faith. They may be attached to military formations as low-ranking officers, given specific areas to keep free of corruption, tasked with individual sorcerers and Demons to burn, or allowed to roam free, so as better to expunge the taint of corruption without restriction.

Public Agenda

Extermination of Demons, containment of the Hellmouth. Protection of the Empire and the Western Continent from the corruption and taint spewing forth from the Hellmouth.


Big hole in ground. Oh no. Very Bad. Angery big man want it not there. People who like Angery Boi try to fix it. Stabby Stabby at things that leave hole.

Burn the Heretic. Kill the Mutant. Purge the Unclean

Religious, Organised Religion
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Controlled Territories
Notable Members


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