The Bezhatin Khaganate Organization in Ethuria | World Anvil
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The Bezhatin Khaganate


The Khagan rules over each of the Khans, who own one tendril of the expanse of the territory. Each of these Khanates is settled upon one of the "Veins of the land", a series of rivers that crawl into the Desert.

Public Agenda

They promise only those willing to risk all the reward they deserve. Their ancestors, an ancient race, build countless temples and structures, many of which hold great undiscovered treasures and terrible, unknown threats. If one were to raid one of these and survive, the Khaganate would have no right to take what they discovered for itself. To the victor goes the spoils. None of these structures has any military ownership, in the name of good sport.

ثروة تفضل جريئة [tharwat tafadal jariyatan]

Geopolitical, Country
Controlled Territories
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