
Welcome to Jaahil where we are ever progressing. Technology, magic, creativity, and exploration are key areas of Jaahil. Whatever you are looking for can be found here or can be created here. As longs you have the gold to support it. Most are welcome here, if you have the gold, magic, and an elf you are welcome anywhere. Though, you do need specific things to be able to access the Undercrown and their leader Inez, she is extremely protected. If you find yourself wandering in Lower Jaahil there is a chance you will run into an establishment owned by the Undercrown.   Places you should know coming into Jaahil, the Wyndan Castle is open to anyone and you can find Faelyn Wyndan the current Queen here at time, though most of the time she spends it in and amongst the city.   The Jaahil Market Places are wonderful places to find new things and meet new people. The Sapphire Marketplace is more expensive than the Songbird Marketplace, though the Sapphire Marketplace isn't all overly expensive. Looking for herbs or potions I suggest The Sage's Mixtures or Oliver's Oils and Elixirs. There are interesting finds to be had at the Dusty Relic.   If you are looking for a place to stay I suggest Bitter Bee Inn, Nixie and Sage Inn, or Wilting Blossom Inn. OH! Or Unicorn and Dragon Inn.   Looking for entertainment I suggest Club Snowflake, the Tranquil Waves Bathhouse, or the Festival Hall. The Festival Hall always has some type of holiday or event happening. There are a few popular taverns The Crowned Wizard Pub, The Overrated Kitten Pub, Elderberry Pub. The The Luminescent Lake Tavern offers a calming atmosphere with patron mix of locals and adventures so there is always a fun time to be had.
— a Jaahiite


Elf (67%), Dryad (10%), Halfling (9%), Human (8%), Other (6%)


Monarchy with equal succession though leans towards female succession. The ranks are as follows:
  • Queen
  • Princess/Prince
  • Duchess/Duke
  • Marchioness/Marquess


Jaahil is a walled city with one grand entrance, four guarded gates, and the port. Shields are posted on top of the wall, in towers, and through out the city. The Crown's Shields guard Faelyn Wyndan and protect Wyndan Castle.


Jaahil is nestled on the southern tip of Stellify located on the Arrow Bay surrounded by the abundance of different tree species in the Dragon Blood Forest.
Founding Date
168 CE
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Related Tradition (Primary)
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