Devromos Détótéamedurfízha Character in Etherium | World Anvil

Devromos Détótéamedurfízha (dev-roh-mohs dey-toh-tey-ah-med-duhr-figh-ja)

High Lord Devromos Détótéamedurfízha (a.k.a. Dev)

Devromos is intense, quiet, and ever-watchful and alert. Like all tieflings, he is prideful, but in him perhaps this pride is more pronounced, given his upbringing. He is loyal and caring to those he gets close to, and even a gentle and passionate lover in his relationship with Gaël, though he does have his flaws.   He is temperamental in the extreme, caused by a genetic quirk of his pactborn heritage, and is prone to sharp, sudden, seemingly random spikes of unbridled anger. He has long learned to temper it, along with his pride, and for the most part manages to keep his emotional flares in check. On occasion he still snaps at others, seemingly for little to no reason, but quickly apologizes once he realizes he went too far, knowing better than to use his nature as an excuse for his actions.   He is stubborn and willful when it suits him, highly independent, and does not shy away from combat or death - indeed, assassination and stalking from the shadows are what he was born for. Vengeful when wronged, Devromos' anger does not compromise his sense, as instead he's learned to channel it to help achieve what he wants.   In addition to all this, he is a highly driven individual, and will go to great lengths not only to support himself, but those he cares for should he feel they need him. This can lead him to pushing himself to, and even beyond, his body’s limits, up to the point of collapse once the vestiges of his energy and resolve are spent. Paired with his abnormally high pain tolerance, he can last a long while beyond mortal norms.   He does have a few hobbies and habits, but most revolve around swordplay. He is typically willing, even eager to learn about new things, and though it may take some urging, he can and does relax if the time suits him.

Physical Description

Physical quirks

Ambidextrous.   Smells of dust, dirt, sweat, and blood, for the most part. Still smells of blood even after bathing.

Special abilities

He is a pactborn tiefling (daeva-descended) with a number of supernatural and ñovitét (magical) abilities.   *[Shadowform] Can blend between the Material and Shadow Planes at will, making it difficult if not impossible for those of either Plane to harm him. He can also use this ‘shadowform’ on select areas of his body, allowing him to mimic some extreme flexibility characteristics. When in a healthy state, Devromos can maintain this ability for up to an hour and a half consecutively, though as this is draining, it’s less tiresome and more efficient for him to use it in short bursts. Although he can cast this over others when he has physical contact, the drain on him multiplies per additional body of average humanoid mass.   *[Invisibility] Temporary invisibility at will. Though this is draining, he can maintain it for close to an hour, but after that is forced to rest to recoup his stamina. Although he can cast this over others when he has physical contact, the drain on him multiplies per additional body of average humanoid mass.   *[Shadowport] Devromos can also shadowport, transport himself almost instantaneously through the Plane of Shadow to some other part of the Material Plane, or simply to enter one Plane or the other. With more effort spent, he can also take other people with him, up to a limit.   Can also shadowport into living targets if they're large enough.   He can use short ‘hops’ with relative ease, while greater distances are more demanding.   **The prior three abilities are more draining when in bright light.   *[Darkness] Able to cast the Darkness spell three times in one waking period, but must have a full rest to be able to cast it again. Darkness creates a dome of impenetrable blackness, spanning 120 feet across (60-foot radius). It can be tempered to merely shroud a smaller area, and create ‘holes’ of normal visibility, or simply darken an area without completely blocking all light. It can only be navigated by those with Truesight (or a similar ability) or cancelled by the Daylight spell (or similar.) Last roughly one hour unless he dismisses it early.   *Slightly resistant to Electricity and Acid elements.   **Vulnerable to Light-based attacks, given his shadow nature. Particularly vulnerable when channelling Shadow-based skills.

Apparel & Accessories

Mostly cotton and/or leather clothing with leather armour over top, preferably of dark brown colour. When he can afford to keep repairing the damage, Devromos oft has it alchemically imbued with gold along the edges and embossing. All his gear, clothing, and equipment appear to be well-worn, though also well-cared for. Also has an off-black cloak.

Specialized Equipment

He wields a pair of slender short swords, one gold, one black; Lezañazh (deceptive beauty) and Déciatóvél (shadow touch) respectively. These are empathic weapons, meaning that they're quasi-aware and eriant-bonded to Devromos.   Déciatóvél (black blade) effects:
  • Lighteater - doesn't reflect light at all, can be used to negate most light spells (Pelinoran celestials easily overpower this, though).
  • Disruption - disrupts the energies and supernatural biology of supernatural creatures.
  • True ownership - weapon teleports to the owner's hand upon being picked up by someone else without the owner's permission.
  • Wounding - prevents blood from clotting at the site of injury.
  • Returning - returns any weapon thrown to the user's hand unfailingly.
  Lezañazh (gold blade) effects:
  • Phasing - bypasses unenchanted armour.
  • Disruption - disrupts the energies and supernatural biology of supernatural creatures.
  • Vorpal - the weapon is capable of severing the astral cord of those astral projecting.
  • True ownership - weapon teleports to the owner's hand upon being picked up by someone else without the owner's permission.
  • Returning - returns any weapon thrown to the user's hand unfailingly.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

(Severely abridged.)   A pactborn tiefling hailing from the floating city-state Nétéoraz, a place settled both in the Plane of Shadow and the Material Plane. He was raised to be an assassin and eventually a guard for the royal family, as his family had practised the speciality for generations, and was of noble status, scarcely below royalty themselves. Life was not to be fortuitous for him and his family any longer, however, as they were betrayed by someone thought to be a long-term friend and ally, and slaughtered mercilessly.   Devromos himself survived the surprise slaughter, but suffered a massive, severe wound in his side for years, rendered unhealable by a pair of curses. His father, older sister, and youngest brother also survived, but only barely, and all were crippled in the assault. For several years the three of them lived in hiding, while Devromos took on odd jobs and contracts to procure enough income to survive and send back to his family.   It wasn’t until some years after the tragedy that drove them out of Nétéoraz that Devromos encountered Laon and Xarxus while on a job, and events unfolded in a way that he ended up aiding them in dispatching his unscrupulous employer. He was then employed by Laon directly to aid them in their cause of rescuing Terra from an ongoing demon incursion instigated by a madwoman, and spent the following years travelling with them. It was with them that he met Gaël, his later lover, and many others he eventually learned to call friends, or at least companions and allies. [Somewhere during this timeframe, his wound was cleansed of its curses and healed, but it’s left a nasty, massive, branching scar in his right side from chest to mid-waist.]   Once the madwoman Rorheliat was defeated, he remained with the group for some time, but eventually he and Gaël parted with them to travel together. While they all still maintain contact, they have their own lives and adventures.

Gender Identity



Biromantic demisexual


Assassin and infilfrator

Mental Trauma

Having his entire family effectively slaughtered before his eyes, while he and the few others who could were forced to flee.

Personality Characteristics

Vices & Personality flaws

Pushing himself in combat until he feels sick.

Personality Quirks

When nervous, he rests a hand on the hilt of his golden blade.   Sometimes, he takes a cloth out of a pocket and polishing either blade - this one is most common during conversation, he also does it when just thinking.


Very clean when he has the option to be.


Family Ties

Father, younger sister, and youngest brother are still alive, but crippled. Mother, older brother, and his other two sisters are dead, as is the rest of his family.


Zyrda Icewoven

Friend (Important)

Towards Devromos Détótéamedurfízha



Devromos Détótéamedurfízha

Friend (Important)

Towards Zyrda Icewoven



Devromos Détótéamedurfízha


Towards Laon Tahlabrar



Laon Tahlabrar


Towards Devromos Détótéamedurfízha



Devromos Détótéamedurfízha

Boyfriend (Vital)

Towards Gaël Orivantaliés



Gaël Orivantaliés

Boyfriend (Vital)

Towards Devromos Détótéamedurfízha



Nythoas Détótéamedurfízha

Sister (Important)

Towards Devromos Détótéamedurfízha



Devromos Détótéamedurfízha

Brother (Important)

Towards Nythoas Détótéamedurfízha




Steed and friend (Vital)

Towards Devromos Détótéamedurfízha



Devromos Détótéamedurfízha

Master and friend (Vital)

Towards Lumétózha



Devromos Détótéamedurfízha

Friend (Important)

Towards Xarxus Sakjutarést



Xarxus Sakjutarést

Friend (Important)

Towards Devromos Détótéamedurfízha



Chaotic Good
Current Status
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Honorary & Occupational Titles
High Lord
Currently Held Titles
Date of Birth
Invinier 12th
Gaël Orivantaliés (Boyfriend)
Yellow irises, orange sclera
Black, straight, shoulder-length
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark brown, matte
5'08'' (173 cm.)
185 lbs.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Abyssal, Draconic, Elathivan, Épravsé Izhéra, Infernal, Izhéra, Ketnov.

Cover image: Etherium Logo by Sehanbrel
Character Portrait image: Devromos Portrait by Sehanbrel


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