Estia Ages Timeline Timeline

Ages Timeline

Age of Creation

0 10000

The Age of Creation is maybe more accurately described as the "Time before Corruption." The actual length of time this age had is unknown, it is instead ceremoniously considered to be an age of ten thousand years. The age is heavily referenced through many creation myths, religious texts and other legends refer to it as an ancient golden age.

  • 10000 AoC

    The Blending

    The Blending is the beginning. The spark that lit the arcane fire, the door that opened the world, the scroll that revealed the truth of gods. But it was also the end. The end of innocence, the end of peace and the end of creation's unblemished song.

Age of the Ancients

10000 30000

The age of the ancients, an age that lasted an estimated 20,000 years, it is considered the longest age and one of the most confusing. An event kicked off the Age of Ancients which some call the Corruption or the Blending depending on the source. Some records indicate this event was the opening of the first inter-planar portal, thus allowing travel between Estia and other worlds. This age ended suddenly with an event called the Gathering.

  • 10000 AoA

    The Blending

    The Blending is the beginning. The spark that lit the arcane fire, the door that opened the world, the scroll that revealed the truth of gods. But it was also the end. The end of innocence, the end of peace and the end of creation's unblemished song.