Merchant Mage Profession in Esterwynne | World Anvil
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Merchant Mage

A Merchant Mage will have a shop, sometimes this shop will be mobile, but not always. From this shop the merchant mage will sell various magic items that they have enchanted, found, or been sold. Most of the time these items will not have any foul magics or curses on them. The merchant mage will also create spell scrolls and enchant things for a price. The following chart will give an estimate of what spells could cost. Each merchant has been traveling for a different amount of time, making them each a different level. Roll a d20+d10 to determine the mage's level.

Spells for Hire

Spells Mana Cost
1 Caster level X 5 gp
2-3 Caster level X 10 gp
4-6 Caster level X 20 gp
7-10 Caster level X 30 gp
11-15 Caster level X 40 gp
16-22 Caster level X 50 gp
23-30 Caster level X 60 gp
31-38 Caster level X 70 gp
39-46 Caster level X 80 gp
47-55 Caster level X 90 gp

Spell: This is how much it costs to get a spellcaster to cast a spell for hire. This cost assumes that a character can go to the spellcaster and have the spell cast at her convenience.

The cost listed is for a spell with no cost for a material component or focus component and no XP cost. If the spell includes a material component, add the cost of the component to the cost of the spell. If the spell requires a focus component (other than a divine focus), add 1/10 the cost of the focus to the cost of the spell. If the spell requires an XP cost, add 5 gp per XP lost.





Wizard Tower, or traveling wagon

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