Knights Of The Pearl Organization in Esterwynne | World Anvil
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Knights Of The Pearl

The knights of the pearl are an order of civic-focused paladins sworn to defend the aventi people from threats. They serve as captains and champions of the Royal Guard and don’t hesitate to undertake adventuring when it can benefit their people. Many aventi kings have a level or two in this prestige class, as well. A knight of the pearl makes a perfect emissary from a nearby aventi kingdom or a guide for PCs visiting the aventi people. A knight of the pearl could also serve as opposition to a group of PCs who find themselves at odds with the aventi.


The Order of the Pearl maintains a chapterhouse in each aventi kingdom. These chapterhouses are usually located on royal grounds, with its members dedicated to defending the aventi king and his people. Each chapterhouse is led by a Master Sergeant, usually a mid- to high-level knight of the pearl. The Master Sergeants answer directly to the Master of the Pearl Sword, the head of the Order of the Pearl as a whole, who dwells in a fortified monastery outside of the domain of any of the aventi kings. The Master of the Pearl Sword and her direct lieutenants act as defenders for the Royal Moots of the aventi kings, but their ultimate loyalty is to the aventi people as a whole. Younger paladins joining the Order are given the title of Aspirant until they gain their first level in the knight of the pearl prestige class, at which time they are knighted by the local aventi king. Knights of the pearl in active service train troops, guard their king, and carry out missions on his behalf. Knights of the pearl not in active service are either questing or in medical recovery of some kind.

Foreign Relations

Becoming A Knight Of The Pearl   The paladin who seeks entry into the Order of the Pearl must demonstrate a strong knowledge in the manipulation and channeling of positive energy. They must also be an exemplary paladin with a history of defending the aventi people and using their strength to benefit those who are weaker than themselves. In short, the Order of the Pearl requires uncompromising heroism from those who would join their ranks.

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