Elnaril Ethnicity in Esseand | World Anvil


The Elnaril, also known as "City Elves" or "Civilized Elves" despectively, are elves who have left their original societies and settled in the cities and towns of the Darahlian Empire. Half-Elves make up most of what we call the Elnaril to see a first generation Elnaril still around is a rare sight.


Shared customary codes and values

The Elnaril are not comprised from any single elven root, so their customs are mixed between what can be expected from the other elven societies like the Elverfolk and Alendar. Most Elnaril have assimilated to the dominant culture they've chosen to join. So for those living in Tog Darahl it is common to take on some of the dwarven customs, especially those related to work and courtship.

Art & Architecture

The one thing that all disparate groups of Elnaril have in common is being a center or artistic expression for their new culture. First generation Elnaril often went to great pains to pass along the cultural skills from their original societies onto their children. In the major dwarven cities the Elnaril have been successful in establishing theater's for plays and creating art guilds for bards and painters.   In Thirboldohr Elnaril artists have gone on to create mosaics, statues, and portraits that now adorn Nurn Darim.   Some second generation Elnaril have begun to leave their cities and join the Roaming Tribes, taking the opportunity to visit other places. They've become accomplished acrobats and fire dancers.   But what is perhaps the most important artistic achievement of the Elnaril is the creation of the Ardreth. There is no corner of Tog Darahl that hasn't heard of this prestigious traveling troupe. It is considered the highest honor for many elves to gain admittance into the troupe or even to simply be allowed to travel alongside them.
Parent ethnicities

Cover image: by K. Mitch Hodge