Sharkbait Cove & Horizon Bastille Building / Landmark in Espen | World Anvil

Sharkbait Cove & Horizon Bastille

History & Lore

The waters in the bay around Twinnam are treacherous. And unlike the Jagged Straights, the waters in the bay are calm and clear; which makes identifying the 5 species of sharks that are native to the bay much easier. Despite a number of signs posted every 45 feet along the beach advising against swimming, a minimum of 2 individuals suffer a shark attack every month.   The cove itself has a decidedly unique look as a mountainous island chain that runs through the bay is filled with stony coves and unstable physical features creating hazards from above and below. The largest island in the chain is Lithic, and while some skepticism exists that its current form is naturally occurring, the sharkhead shaped cove does leave an indelible image in the minds of sailors.  Beyond its intimidating facade, the cove itself is awash with drastic changes to the sea floor's depth that without the proper headings have caused a great many ships to run aground.   For ships that successfully navigate to the docks, the Horizon Bastille Awaits. Espens largest naval academy and naval fleet are based in this cove which has proven to be the perfect highly defensible location for the human fleet. The fleet which started as three caravels has grown to over 30 ships thanks to the Rianx-Ril Treaty which ensures goblin-owned, human-manned ships remain on patrol in the waters around Goblin territories at all times.  


Virder Vosk, has served as admiral of the fleet for 7 years and while his mandatory retirement is known to be forthcoming, many suspect humans his Vice Admiral Korra Smartbough will be his replacement. Virder and Korra both spent time at Full Sail University, studied astronomy at Uriyra Research Observatory, and graduated from the Elementarians Martial College with honors. While her ascent to the rank of Vice-Admiral was quick, it was not without incident. In the battle of Gallow's Sea, when given the order to surrender the bay, Korra instead set fire to the bay itself, trapping the attacking tabaxi pirate ships in massive plumes of smoke negating their speed advantage.  From there she sailed from ship to ship boarding and subduing the crew.

Courses Offered:

Certificate of Naval Command

  • Leadership Theory 101 -
  • Leadership Applications 102 -
  • Fundamentals of Seamanship 202 -
  • Maritime Warfare 301 -
  • Principles of Propulsion 302 -
  • Naval Weapons Systems 303 -

Certificate of Reconnaissance

  • Scouting: Terrain 101
  • Scouting: Zones of Control 102
  • Routes: Ingress 201
  • Routes: Egress 202
  • Passive Reconnaissance 301
  • Extraction 400
  Certificate of Naval Engineering
Military base / complex

Vessels Available:

  • Longtail Galley (Trident Class) - 800 GP
  • Caravel Mark II - 2250 GP
  • Zeal Class Frigate - 9000 GP
  • Bravado Class Frigate - 7500 GP
  • Impressive Dinghy - 300 GP
  • Various Scroll - 10 GP
  • Astrolabe of Navigation - 40 GP

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