The Clock Tower Building / Landmark in Esparea | World Anvil

The Clock Tower

Large purple pillars surround several large metal gears and cogs suspended parallele to the ground. atop these pillars rest several disks. one that shows the hours as the sun moves across the sky one that shows the constellation that correlates with that time and above that, floating unaided and slowly rotating are the known planets and their alignments as they move across the heavens. Around the base are fonts of the different elemental energies that hum within the soil of Esparea. surrounded by several benches and picnic tables it is a common meeting place.

Purpose / Function

built as a representation of the heavens for esthetic, magical, and scientific purposes


Large purple pillars surround several large metal gears and cogs suspended parallele to the ground. atop these pillars rest several disks. one that shows the hours as the sun moves across the sky one that shows the constellation that correlates with that time and above that, floating unaided and slowly rotating are the known planets and their alignments as they move across the heavens. Made of stone and metal and enhanced with arcane and elemental magic


paid for by an eccentric gnome scientist name Cogs Orbital and built by a dragon born named Mershahan Clever Claw. This was essentially a passion project that has managed to win over the hearts of those who see it and serve as a celestial calendar and functional daily sundial. While magic users can rest next to the fonts of energy to recover certain spells or health points.


Most favored sight by those who attend MMM this tower is the central point of Elliterra.
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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