Time of Shade in Eslar | World Anvil
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Time of Shade

17 Arjul, 2680 BGR 12 Elop, 2563 BGR
  When Uaos was temporarily slain during Gift of Life And Death event, her divine blood soaked the soil and later mixed with Netarr's blood and anger gave birth to a Primordial Shade.
During this time there was plenty of grief and sorrow for the Primordial Shades to feast on and surviving villages quickly became overtaken by Shades. The Primordial Shades ran rampant throughout Well of Life. There are not many documented accounts of what exactly happened during those days.
The larger picture is known however. Uaos threw everything at the Shades in an attempt to save what was left of her and Rema's creations. But Shades were not living beings, they were manifestations of the world's grief and sorrow and thus unable to be fully destroyed once brought into existance. And so Uaos build Primordial Giants from the clay of The Well of Life in order to corral the Shades into a portal she opened to the Shadowfell. Along with that she instructed the first Primordial Giants to erect a massive ring of mountains around the center of The Well of Life in order to protect it from farther attacks, and to prevent anything else from being created inside that could hurt her creations.

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