Wasps Organization in Esharia | World Anvil
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This for-hire mercenary group dressed in black and yellow uniforms has a spotted and questionable history. Over half of this company are hobgoblins that have either avoided joining or deserted from the Taagac Dech. The only reason why the Wasps were not attacked by the Coalition Armed Forces is that the remaining half of the company is of human or half-elf decent. That and the open hostility from the Taagac Dech towards the group has proven that the Wasps has no alliance with the goblinoid army.   Information about the group's original founder is limited. Members of the Wasps (formerly known as the Staggs) stated that he was a half-elf named Joshua but the popular belief was that was a fake name. This Joshua also recruited several of the most dangerous criminals to serve as his lieutenants in the organization, including the terrorist Varis, the Faceless Destroyer. Joshua's final job was during a failed raid on Coalition tax collection convoy. The convoy was actually a trap set up by the Coalition Armed Forces, but the surprise assault from the Taagac Dech surprised both parties leaving few to survive the onslaught from the Taagac Dech.   A majority of the Staggs were not present during the raid, so the surviving lieutenants took command over the group. The Staggs were sent to defend the town Dimond Lake from the nightly assault from the undead, and the new leaders took a contract on a monster in the region. While the armed forces were largely successful at keeping Dimond Lake safe, the difference of opinion amongst the new Stagg leaders
Military, Mercenary Group
Alternative Names
Formerly known as the Staggs
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Controlled Territories
Notable Members


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