Taagac Dech Organization in Esharia | World Anvil
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Taagac Dech

A massive army of Goblinoid creatures bent on the destruction of the civilized world. While the soldiers are predominantly Hobgoblin, bugbears and goblins could be found as well.   Originally this army was nothing more than a simple raiding party, not worth the thought. However, the Taagac Dech began to absorb and take over other Goblinoid raiding parties and became a much more significant threat. It wasn't until the Raid of Tarrinfall when people learned that the leader of the Taagac Dech had somehow been able to command dragons. While the Raid failed the army still exists and has been attacking other villages and towns. With most of the Coalition soldiers off fighting the war with the Empire, the only ones left defending Esharia from this menace are various mercenary companies. However, not a single mercenary company can rival the Taagac Dech's sheer numbers.
Military, Armed Forces
Training Level
Veterancy Level


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