The Queen's Ashes Building / Landmark in Esharia | World Anvil
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The Queen's Ashes

This monument was left as a reminder of the Lying Queen for the nobles in the 1st Octant. These three twenty-foot iron stakes stand in the center of the district with a standing order from the former King to leave them intact. Even though two generations of Kings have passed since King Kaitish, the Punisher, each King has refused to comment or annul the law.   While law left these stakes to remain as a reminder to any future queen of Esharia, it is also viewed as a warning of the power the King holds and the question of what will be done if one of the kings goes mad.

Purpose / Function

The execution by burning at the stake of Queen Jazmyn, her lover, and their child is now used as a reminder to the nobles of Esharia of the consequences of betraying the King


A plaque was placed to recognize the area as a historical monument calling it "The Queen's Ashes"


Three twenty foot polls with a standing platform five feet up from the ground for prisoners to stand on allowing space for the pyre to be built.


During the reign of King Kaitish, Queen Jazmyn was pregnant with (what was believed to be) the King's child. The royal bloodline has always contained the fire genasi trait, so when the Queen gave birth to a human, it was evidence of her infidelity. Outraged, the King had the father of the child tracked down and captured, and what followed next has been since remembered as the darkest day in Esharia's history. Since the Queen was from the First Octant, the King ordered the construction of the three iron stakes in the center of this district and ordered the occupants to bear witness to the execution. The Queen, the Queen's lover, and their newborn child were tied to each poll and burned alive. Additionally, the King forced the Queen's family to stand in the closest viewing area to watch their daughter and grandson burn. After the execution, the King revoked all land and titles from the Queen's family as punishment for their daughter's crimes.
Monument / Statue, Large
Parent Location


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