
Before The Night of Sorrows   Eleg Langvaros, the city of shadow and flame. Here the descendants of drow and efreeti dwell as genasi born from their unique union.   The city has vast estates just outside along the mountain ranges and some farm lands. The city depends mostly on sea based trade, as their closest neighbor Dragons Rise and them share an ancient body history though are now neutral.      
Its People
  Langvarians are generally passionate friendly folk even the grumpiest. Though they are prone to anger and have reputations as hot heads.     Many Langvarians are aware of their drow heritage but believe the idea of any full bloods being alive below the surface after centuries to be nothing but myths.        

After the Day of Retribution


Rebuilding Phase:

In the time since the exterior has been rebuilt somewhat with new structures next to hardened lava spikes and ruins of old Langvaros. Most of the genasi have settled here and their number has dwindled, many have married outside the race thus giving the general population a bronze fiery tint and features but not like Nik and Nak had.   The Obsidian Keep is now a large black obelisk where on the surface it's a shrine to Mystra and below the dome it's a gathering place for pilgrims and adventurers as well as a marketplace.   The surrounding mountain range is mined for both crystals and fire spice as well as expanding the city as more underdwelling citizens are born/migrate to the city.   The Husk District is below the dome. It is home to many underground races. The open gate held by the Golden Hero allows underdark travel to and from the chasms on the other side of the mountains.


  • Genasi-20%
  • Humans-20%
  • Dwarves-20%
  • Gnomes-20%
  • Haregon-10%
  • Other-10%


Council of four families.


The city itself has five major areas:  
The Ring
A grand series of 3 walls of varying thickness and height, the outer ring is the shortest and thickest, it is wide enough to accommodate Siege weaponry and is mor of a raised road for those contraptions. It is made of hardy red stone. Next the middle slightly thinner and taller wall has many guard barracks with archer slits jutting from it. The walkway has room for ballista and such. It is manned by ranged units covering the outer wall from anyone who managed to scale it. The middle ring is composed of yellow stone with copper accents. The final innermost wall is a grand spectacle of silver metals and brass inlays, it is sleek and unscaleable. From grand balconies the cities military mages reign destruction.    
The Hearth:
  full of residential and business districts. Its architecture is much like the outer wall, made of red stone.    
The Hob:
A plateau sitting an average of 30 ft above the Hearth. This smaller area serves as the religious, administrative and military center of the city. Its structures are a mix of red orange and yellow stones with brass and copper accents and roofs.    
The Obsidian Keep
  The Obsidian Keep is a solid piece of jagged obsidian that was ornately carved and smoothed by fire magics. It is home to the king and somewhere in its hallowed ground is the Black Gate. A massive door sitting upon thebone known entrance to the Fissure (underdark).    
The Pit:
The last area is the Pit, a series of caverns and passages interweaving the city. It is used for travel of good and soldiers between the districts and as military barracks. It is also home to the funeral chambers where the citizenry are cremated, returned to the grand flame in the dark of the universe.


The city is a "gibbous moon shape" with the walls going back to the mountains and the Obsidian Keep rising from the mountainous base. Part of the Pit district is dug in to this base. The city sits nestled amongst three mountains. The tallest peak of the city mountains is named Soras, and is on the northern end of the walls, it is a sacred site and used for religious pilgrimages. The center peak and southern are twin mountains named Nyla and Nyko.


Mountainous terrain protects the city from the storms that crop up from the western portion of Zariya     Cold harsh Winters Balmy Summers

Natural Resources

Lanvarian spice dishes are considered some of the hottest in the world. The city is known for its main export though, Ember stones. These fine magical crystals have many uses, as batteries, artillery, heat sources and more.
Founding Date
Refounded 1089 AC
Alternative Name(s)
Eleg Langvaros, The Husk
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym


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