Kuyu Settlement in Esau | World Anvil
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Kuyu is a town inside Mount Derkuyu, Tuck region, Malnax

Extending to a depth of approximately 60 metres (200 ft). It is large enough to shelter as many as 20,000 people together with their livestock and food stores. It is the largest excavated underground city in Malnax.

The underground city can be closed from the inside with large stone doors. Each floor coan be closed off separately. A series of vertical staircases give access to the levels. The large 55-metre (180 ft) ventilation shaft is essential. The shaft provided water to both the villagers above and, if the outside world was not accessible, to those inside.

The unique and beautiful region of Tuck is known for Mount Derkuyu's original rock formations, and the cave town of Kuyu, where people have lived for centuries. The soft sandstone made it easy for the orinigal Elves and other races to carve out caves large enough to create their own homes inside. The town inside the mountain along with a complex network of underground tunnels resembling a termite mound.

There are a hundred magpie houses also carved out of the various rock formations. The birds to used for messaging and protection from undead.

The entire city is located underground - all the houses, churches and even wineries are carved out of rock. It was a perfect place to live as well as to hide from invading armies and seasonal storms. A complicated network of tunnels connect different chambers and parts of the city. Simply and extraordinary to explore the tight passages - mind your head!

Wine Makers - round stone used to grind grapes for wine Sune Monastery - a passageway to South leads through to beautifully craved round room (Monk's study to mediate away from weather)

In the storm season the villages of the Tuck region empty including the town of Kuyu in Cape Talon inside the mountain. Lightning streaks the skies, snow falls and rain pours down.

Location under


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