The Amulets of the Grand Mages Item in Esarios | World Anvil

The Amulets of the Grand Mages


The amulets of the grand mages are circular, golden amulets with a diameter of 6 cm. An Aurin has been inserted in the middle, surrounded by 4 differently colored gemstones. The amulets have fine decorations that start from the gemstones, surround the aurin and end at the side.
The amulets of the grand mages are a status symbol. Every high mage who rises to the rank of grand mage receives the amulet of his predecessor. They are worn with pride as they show the power of the mages and for the grand mages they are a symbol that no vampire can harm them.


The aurin has been charged with magio for centuries and each new grand mage stores part of his magio in the aurin. It serves as a stockpile in times of crisis, when large amounts of magio are needed to protect the population.
Item type
Jewelry / Valuable
very rare
a diameter of 6 cm
Base Price
Raw materials & Components
gold, an aurin and gemstones


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