Salavar "Spirit of Rogues and Mischief" Character in Erthos | World Anvil

Salavar "Spirit of Rogues and Mischief"

Lord of Stealth and Shadows Salavar

The Spirit whose domain includes Rogues and Mischief; a lesser spirit in service of the The Spirit of Chaos. While not outright an evil Spirit, the antics that he and his followers usually get up too usually don't have good results. Still, many different alignments raise a cup in his honor, hoping for good outcomes when dealing with traps or stealthing through the night.

Divine Domains

Rogues, Mischief, Night

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A black moon

Tenets of Faith

"Do not get Caught"

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To gain wealth and power through any means.   Secret: To gain the ability to sneak into The Divine Spirit's realm.

Mental characteristics

Intellectual Characteristics

While Salavar is not one of the smartest of the Lesser Spirits he is incredibly charismatic, wise, and knows how to play the "Game" of the Lesser Spirits. Often he works other's schemes to his own advantage to gain more power for himself.

Morality & Philosophy

Salavar does not consider himself good or evil, he believes in getting what he wants by any means necessary.

Personality Characteristics


Excitement: Salavar is constantly seeking a new thrill; stealing something from the other Spirits or gaining access to a new realm.   Unseen: The Lord of Stealth loves the feeling when he remains unseen by people. One of his ultimate goals is to Sneak into the Divine Spirit's realm unseen.

Vices & Personality flaws

Unreliable   Secretive
Divine Classification
Lesser Spirit
Chaotic Neutral
Current Location
Date of Birth
The Spirit Age
Thin, dark blue
Skintight fade on the lower half, long hair combed over to the right on the top. Blonde with streaks of black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
white with a grey overtone.