Rage Demon Species in Erthos | World Anvil

Rage Demon

Demon Spirits of Rage are born when a person kills another in hate and anger. They are powerful melee fighters who have some innate magical abilities. Their powers are great but that is offset but their lack of intelligence. Often other powerful sorcerers will use them as shock troopers or as bodyguards.

Basic Information


Giant: Between 10-12 feet tall.   4 sets of sharp appendages that end in points sprouting from their backs.

Genetics and Reproduction

Being Demon Spirits they can procreate with Mortals but it is rare.

Growth Rate & Stages

Born fully formed.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They do not need to eat or drink but do gain power from eating the souls of the mortals that they kill.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Darkvision   Rage   Magic: Fireball, Destructive wave
Geographic Distribution