Entertainer's Vale Settlement in Erthos | World Anvil

Entertainer's Vale

Those who venture into the northern part of the Isle Of Mystrium can find a small village that is known as Entertainer's Vale. It sits in a small valley whose surrounding hills are often alive with music from the village. This is the home of the Bardic College, the place where all musicians and performers aspire to live one day. Those who learn the arts of acting, music, and other performing arts do not have to study here in order to make a living but it can certain help to receive a degree from the college.


While the Magi Assembly controls the entire island; and technically the village, they leave much of the governance to the actual inhabitants. This is due to the fact that most of the bards do not actually wield magic and, as such, are not granted entry to the Magi Assembly.


Shields of the Arcane patrol this area, and the inhabitants are not without their own defences. Some of the bards are well-versed in spells.

Industry & Trade

Music and performing are the trade; and many people from the region will travel to the area for performances. They also have some of the best instrument crafters in the region here.

Points of interest

The Troubadour's Statue: In the center of the village is a tower that is erected to their founder, Areck Salva. Around this statue is a stone circular stage where the best of the best can perform.
Founding Date
Location under
Owning Organization

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