Fēritai Geographic Location in Erthas | World Anvil


Fēritai is a region in Northeast Ausalon, stretching across the mountains of the west and south, and extending out into the boreal forests of the north and east. It is a land of wild beauty, with soaring peaks and deep valleys, thick forests, and abundant wildlife. Downstream from the ancient High Elves, and their influence is still evident in the culture and customs of the people who live here today.   The heart of Feritay is the mountain range that runs along its southern and western borders. These mountains are steep and rugged, with peaks that reach into the clouds. The slopes are covered in thick forests of pine, spruce, and fir, and the higher elevations are marked by snow-capped peaks that are visible for miles around. At the lowest points, the mountains give way to glaciers and tundra, while the higher elevations are dotted with alpine meadows and grassy hillsides.   The mountain tribes, also called the Feritay people, have long made their homes in this region, living in small villages nestled in the valleys and on the slopes of the mountains. Reindeer herders are a common sight, tending their herds as they wander the high passes and remote valleys.   The lowlands to the north and east of the mountain range are part of the boreal forest, an expanse of coniferous and deciduous trees that stretches for miles in every direction. These lands are home to a variety of wildlife, including wolves, bears, lynx, tiger, moose, and many varieties of birds and small mammals. The forests are punctuated by rivers and streams.   The people of Feritay have adapted to the environment, living in small villages and towns scattered throughout the region. The largest of these towns is Feričo, which was once the seat of power for the Paramount Chief. With a population of 10,000 at its peak, it was a bustling hub of trade and culture, and it still holds great significance for the people of Feritay.   The culture of Feritay is an eclectic mix of the ancient High Elves, the mountain tribes, and the various other peoples who call the region home. Traditional music, dance, and art forms are still practiced, and the people of the region are known for their hospitality and generosity. Despite the harshness of the environment, there is a rich tapestry of traditions and beliefs that binds the people together.   The history of Feritay is long and complex, stretching back to the First Age when the High Elves first settled the region. Over the centuries, the mountain tribes moved into the lowlands, and the boreal forest became the primary home of the people of Feritay. Today, the region is a vibrant mix of old and new, a place where the wild beauty of the natural world is matched by the strength and resilience of the people who call it home.


  • Fēritai
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