Erthas Geographic Location in Erthas | World Anvil


Erthas is a temperate planet, home to Humans and Myōshu, as well as various Tëai. It is the third planet from its star, Saúl.


Landmasses   The landmasses of Erthas have been named by the Ryūshu using the Kanshi Chihyō system with certain larger landmasses having received specialized names by the High Elves where pronunciations of the original Ryūgo words have merged in High Elven or where the landmass would receive many different Kanshi Chihyō designations.


The history of Erthas is preserved in two significant works, each with its own historical and cultural significance:  
Chisei Nenki (地星年記)
  The Chisei Nenki, which translates to "Chronicles of Erthas" in the High Elven language, stands as the first comprehensive historical record of Erthas. Compiled over the course of the First Age, it was meticulously crafted by the High Elves within their chief academy in the land of Kōkoku, a region known for its deep connection to the High Elven civilization.   During its existence, the Chisei Nenki served as a repository of knowledge, chronicling the unfolding events, civilizations, and cultural achievements on Erthas. Its creation was a testament to the High Elves' dedication to preserving their rich heritage and the history of the planet. However, with the dawn of the Second Age, much of the Chisei Nenki was tragically lost, and its contents began to fade from memory.  
Erthios Yairshrivin
  As the Chisei Nenki's influence waned in the Second Age, fragments of this invaluable historical work began to surface in various corners of Erthas. These fragments, representing fragments of knowledge and glimpses into the past, remained scattered and dispersed across the world.   By the mid-5th century of the Third Age, a concerted effort was made to consolidate and preserve the remnants of the Chisei Nenki. These fragments were painstakingly brought together and compiled into the Erthios Yairshrivin, which translates to "Annals of Erthas" in the Old Tëaisco language. This monumental undertaking sought to bridge the gaps in Erthas's historical narrative, reassembling the lost history and ensuring its survival for future generations.   The Erthios Yairshrivin serves as a vital resource for scholars, historians, and those curious about Erthas's past. It not only preserves the knowledge and wisdom of the High Elves but also sheds light on the diverse civilizations and cultures that have shaped the planet's history.  

The Ages

  Erthas' history is divided into distinct ages, including prehistory, the Age of Dragons, the post-apocalyptic Second Age, and the transformative Third Age, each marked by unique events and cultural shifts.  
Prehistory (PH)
  The Prehistory of Erthas refers to the time period that predates the arrival of the Ryuushu civilization. During this era, various indigenous species and early Human tribes inhabited the planet. While many details of this age have been lost to the sands of time, it laid the foundation for the diverse ecosystems and cultures that would emerge in later ages.   First Age (Age of Dragons)   The First Age commenced with the arrival of the Ryūshu on Erthas, marking a significant turning point in the planet's history. This age saw the rise of the Ryuūshu and High Elven civilization and their coexistence with other species and cultures. However, it ultimately culminated in two monumental events:  
  • Juggernaut War (巨大人戦争): A conflict of epic proportions that shook Erthas to its core. The causes and consequences of this war are deeply intertwined with the Ryūshu and their influence on the planet and off of it.
  • Great Conflagration (大燃): A catastrophic event that followed the Juggernaut War, resulting in widespread destruction and upheaval. The Great Conflagration left a lasting imprint on the planet's landscape and societies.
  • Second Age
      The Second Age emerged as a post-apocalyptic era characterized by significant changes and challenges:  
  • Decline of High Elven Supremacy: The once-dominant High Elven civilization faced a decline in influence and power across the world, leading to a shift in global dynamics.
  • Breakdown of Intercontinental Trade: The intricate trade networks that had connected continents in the First Age began to erode, leading to isolation and self-reliance among many cultures.
  • Rise and Flourishing of Many Cultures: Despite the challenges, the Second Age witnessed the rise and flourishing of diverse cultures, each contributing to the mosaic of Erthas's civilizations.
  • Conquest of Ausalon: The Second Coming of Teos, a pivotal figure in Erthas's history, conquered most of Ausalon, reshaping the political landscape and setting the stage for the next age.
  • Third Age
      The Third Age was ushered in by the conquests of the Second Coming of Teos and saw the reconfiguration of power dynamics on Erthas. Notable events and developments in this age included:  
  • Breaking and Mending of the Skycrown: A momentous event in which the Skycrown, a significant celestial phenomenon, shattered and was later mended, carrying profound implications for the planet.
  • The Third Age was marked by political intrigue, cultural exchanges, and the ongoing evolution of civilizations as they adapted to new realities. It stands as a testament to the resilience and adaptability of Erthas's inhabitants in the face of changing circumstances.
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