Gnolls Species in Erisdaire | World Anvil


If you see a pack of gnolls moving in for a raid, stop to prepare yourself for a long fight. They have a tendency not to know when to quit, and are tough to kill quickly.
— A Beginner's Guide to Adventuring
  Gnolls are one of the "wild races", resembling bipedal humanoid hyenas notorious for the tribes which raid settlements for their necessities. These tribes are usually lead by a leader who is physically imposing, keeping all others in line through intimidation. The Legion considers gnoll tribes a fairly notable threat compared to orc raiders or goblin bands, due to being more persistent in a fight and often attacking with greater numbers. Tribal leaders are usually either larger than average warriors, or practice shamanic magic; it's not unheard of for a larger tribe to have both among their leadership, and several gnolls leading smaller raiding parties.

Since they are visibly similar to hyenas, it is not surprising gnolls share the same powerful jaws and sharp claws as them. On average, they tend towards tall, stout and broad builds which display considerable strength. This affects their choices of weapons, with a common affinity for two-handed weapons. Ranged weapons are usually either javelins or reinforced bows, allowing their strength to assist them to its fullest extent. Raiders sometimes are seen employing thrown nets and short spears when taking live captives is of interest. Leaders are expected to lead from the front rather than the rear, and allow themselves to revel in it.

Gnoll tribes live largely through raiding settlements and moving on when the pickings are slim, being cautious enough not to hunt in the same area for too long. Generations of being beaten down and slaughtered by the Legion has left survivors far more wary of just how long they can stay in one place before humans with swords come for them.


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