Domhnall is a continent in the northern hemisphere of Erioedeh, and was once home to the Empire from which it gets its name. However, that empire died out more than six centuries ago in an event that is only referred to as "The Great Calamity", leaving behind only melted structures their scorched contents to tell the world they had existed. From these ashes however, new nations arose and slowly began to start anew.
Domhnall is a land segmented by several mountains, serving as a natural border between the current powers of the land. It runs as long enough vertically that you slowly go from subtropic forests, to temperate woodland, and finally entering into tundra and artics at its tip. However, there is one thing that is common across all of Domhnall, so long as the climate can support life, it is almost always filled with trees. These dense forests tend to stay in tact as there are many areas in Domhnall that if you travel too deep into the world begins to twist from how one would expect. And in these twisted lands are dangerous beasts that no race dares to confront.
Towards the center of Alterra there are what are referred to as "The Great Lakes", these lakes are the largest source of fresh-water in the entire continent. The lands between them are waterlogged, and swampy, but as you go further out the terrain begins to rise as one gets to the bordering mountains. Most of Alterra is either dense temperate forests, or hilly temperate forests as you get close to the mountains that surround it. Towards the southern edge is one of the few places the forests begin to clear in Domhnall, and there is nothing but flat plains and farmland.Bachleda
A large peninsula, and thanks to the currents of the sea the land is warmer than it otherwise would be. It is a mix of swamps, subtropic-forests, and beaches. Bachleda tends to do very well for itself as its lands make for excellent fishing and farming grounds. It borders Alterra on its west site, cut off by a the smaller mountain, the Calliope Peak.Chisun
Chisun exists on the same latitude as Alterra, leaving them with very similar climates. Chisun is mostly populated by temperate forests, however has a few more mountains than Alterra leaving it with more hilly terrain. Its capital is located at the base of Dragon's Rest, an active volcano where their leader the Grand Dragon resides. Towards its northern edge there a break between the hills and forests to reveal a moderate planes where much of their farming and ranching takes place.Drakenguard
Nestled in the northwest corner of the continent, against the base of the Everfire Mountains, Drakenguard is surrounded by large hills and boreal forests and is easily the most northern nation on Domhnall. Its southern edges border Chisun, with the pine trees serving as the line that separates the two nations. On its south eastern edge is the Frostfell River where it borders with Alterra. The rivers bonechilling water keeps the two lands at their respective side. Nearly a third of Drakenguard is filled with mountains, making their terrain the most difficult to navigate, and its forests sit on its southern side, work its way through the gaps between the mountain, and finally begin to taper off as their nortern lands turn into a lifeless artic.
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