Mythril Material in Erilar | World Anvil



Material Characteristics

Mythril is a blueish silvery metal that is mined from the ground.

Physical & Chemical Properties

It is much stronger and lighter than steel, however it is much rarer than the components used to make steel.


Dwarves make a special metal to make weapons and armour by making an alloy that is a mix of mythril, iron and copper. The metal is stronger than steel, about the same weight, and is easier to make than refining pure mythril.

Geology & Geography

The metal is found all over the continent, however, it is usually very deep underground. This means that the Dwarves of Vogrhia are the biggest exporter of the metal due to their deep and expansive mines and underground cities.

Origin & Source

Mythril comes from Mythril ore that can be found in veins deep underground with a similar, but slightly less scarcity to gold.

Life & Expiration

It is a stable, non radioactive metal.

History & Usage


It was discovered by some elven miners when looking for platinum. They look somewhat alike and have similar properties, but Mythril is lighter and far stronger.

Everyday use

It is commonly used in weapons, armour due to it's high strength and light weight. It is also used in jewelry due to it's scarcity.


Mythril melts at rather high temperatures, so working with it comes with risks of heat stroke.

Reusability & Recycling

The metal can easily be melted down and reforged into something else...given high enough temperatures.


Trade & Market

due to its scarcity, mythril is sometimes used as currency as it has an approximate perceived value to gold.


There is no special requirements for storing this metal.
varies from region to region, but about the same as gold.
slightly less rare than gold.
There is no, or very little smell to mythrill
A standard metallic taste, less potent than iron.
Silver with a slight hint of blue
Boiling / Condensation Point
Melting / Freezing Point
Common State
Ore underground in veins
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