Lixius Umbra Character in Erilar | World Anvil

Lixius Umbra

Lixius Umbra (a.k.a. Lixius the Resurrecter)

Physical Description

Special abilities


Mental characteristics


Studdied abroad with his evlen heritage, but returned to his home of Mergewater to study in the great libraries.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Lixius was the first person to discover the somewhat taboo art of necromancy. He discovered that a being's life is the equivalent of an ethereal thread, if that thread snaps, the life is lost. While some dedicated holy magic can mend and repair said thread, at great time, effort and cost, much like repairing threads and ropes, necromancy is a quicker, easier and faster method of repairing said thread, much like quickly tying a knot in a piece of string.

Mental Trauma

His experiments with working with and on the dead, and the untested forms of magic Lixius practiced warped his mind and was somewhat mad in his later years. Either that, or the goddess of madness really took an interest in this new form of magic.

Intellectual Characteristics

Logical, Philosophical, Educated.

Morality & Philosophy

He did not care about the morality or the ethics behind his magic, or anything else in his life. He only cared about results.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

He is very knowledgeable about most things of the arcane, especially those dealing with the mortal coil, although all this time studying had left his body somewhat frail in comparison to his mental prowess

Personality Quirks

chuckled to himself when making a new discovery


Religious Views

Lixius cared not for the gods. It's not that he didn't believe of their existence, he just didn't care about what they thought of him or his work.
Lawful Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Father of Necromancy, The Resurrector
Year of Birth
500 BCC 1975 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Unknown other than he was the child of an elf and a human
Circumstances of Death
Unknown. Some say he may not even be dead. Maybe he never died or exists in a state of undeath
Long and black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation