Turru Tradition / Ritual in Eridu | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Turru (Tor-roo)

Turru is the coming of age ceremony that all Sherpuan youth take when they come to the age of adulthood. Turru is a the binding ceremony to the God Numbakulla and the exaltation of his gift of sentience and life to the Lizardfolk.


The ceremony begins with the youth coming to the entrance of the Gerru and sitting there in contemplation about their life and the meaning of their existence. During this time the elders of the village spend time in the Gerru preying to Numbakulla for divine direction and understanding for the youth coming into the fold. When the youth feels they have spent enough time in contemplation they ring the gong of unification. Then the elders come out and present the child with the Drink of Numbu a cocktail of Essence Moss and purified lake water mixed with other local herbs and fungus. This drink causes a trancelike state that is believed to weaken the hold of the realm and allow the individual to commune with Numbakulla. During this time the individual searches for their symbol of existence and committee it to memory. After the drinks effects wear off the child will draw the symbol that they found in the soft dirt of the floor. Then will lay down next to it and a elder will take lake water un purified and use it to draw the symbol on to the forehead of the child and let it burn the symbol into the skin. after this the child is considered an adult and a official part of the priesthood.
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