Adam- God of life Character in Ereteria | World Anvil
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Adam- God of life (Adam)

God of Life Adam

basic knowledge of Adam is that he is the god of life, birth, fertility, creativity and hope. His followers are often healers, artists, probably midwifes, painters and those in some artistic persuits. His followers work to improve the lives of themselves and others and are taught that life has meaning. A lot of them are also healers. And due to the world circumstances, the main organisation offers healing without magical healing although some followers have broken off to.. form a new group who travel around the world healing people magically. The Life Givers This group is illegal in some towns and are treated with suspicion, but are also respected by many others. A lot of his temples are really beautiful. His symbol on the neck is an ankh, a crystal in the middle will symbolise a high ranking member of the order. Often followers wear his crest over thier heart although this is not a requirement and under the crest will be a slogan, "Vita est bella".   Life in the temple of Adam is simple. The sunrise in the morning is when most rituals take place. At the end of each week, to celebrate the beating of the hearts, (also a religious festival), at the evening meal, the temple opens its doors to those who are suffering, who are homeless and gives them a meal of bread and wine. It is claimed that the wine will increase vitality of the heart and the bread is easy and cheap to make. Its dedicated to helping people, but not at the expense of your own life. It celebrates life in all its diffrent forms and is a temple of healing. It has a section where children are taught basic life skills, like cooking and cleaning for a contrubution, as well as training midwifes, doctors, nurses and clerics. It has a daycare section and a section where children are given birth and this is the most common temple to send orphans to, other than the orphanage in the city of ticking clocks.   However, it also is very much lawful good, in the regard that it follows the laws of the land, religiously. The life givers that broke away to do magic, are treated as defilers and outcasts.   There is a small sect that is not commonly known or referred to, that focuses on natural life. They celebrate the relationship between adam and Gia (the Earth mother/goddess Gia- Earth Goddess). They are most commonly druids. They wear simple clothes and amulets, and serve both gods equally.   Another sect, that many people do not like to talk about, the 3rd sect, celebrate life and death diffrently. They act as a group or guild of assasins. They leave bodies behind to be eaten by animals, instead of hiding them. They do not kill innocents, but they kill those who jeorpodise life, like mass murderers, those who killed for a reason other than self defence. These also support those who's life is in danger, or has been affected in some way. They are religiously motivated, and believe that those who are good and die a good death rise to the realm of Adam. “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to Adam except through me".   **Adam Piety** Adam God of life, healing, compassion. Piety x3- A little healing magic- add a d4 to any healing spell you make. This does not include lay on hands, but does include cure wounds. Piety x10- Respect for life: As a patron of Adam, any of his worshippers in temples, will use non-magical means to heal you for a discounted price, as a respect for the work you do to improve life. Piety x25- Life is beautiful: As a well respected member of Adam, you have a higher reputuation in Ereteria. Take advantage on any charisma checks, as long as you are not a member of the life givers or the brotherhood of circles.. Piety x50- the highest act of compassion You gain the ability to channel Adam's powers of compassion. Touch a creature and you are able to take away some of its pain to make it's tasks easier. For one minute, you can grant 1d4 (rolled when granted) to any check or saving throw to creatures or characters other than yourself within 30ft as a bonus action. This lasts untill thier next turn. It is at thier descretion what to use it for. Adam's Approval- Saving a life, improving someone's life in a meaningful way, protecting the tree of life. Helping somebody at great personal cost Keeping an oath, even though you would benefit greatly by breaking it Bringing an enemy over to your side without using mind-controlling magic or trickery   Adam's disapproval: Lack of kindness to anyone. Murder/Killing out of self defence. a lack of appreciation for life Harming any of his followers or innocents. Ignoring those who need help, Breaking oaths, Swearing

Mental characteristics


Poly. currently with Gia, goddess of earth.


Adam- God of life


Towards The Reaper


The Reaper


Towards Adam- God of life


Divine Classification
Lawful Good
Date of Birth
Other Affiliations


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