Little Folk Species in Ereacia | World Anvil
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Little Folk

The Little Folk are a collection of Immortal Realms creatures which include much of the smaller fey and shadow population of the Immortal Realms. They are also presumed, according to recent theory on the origin of the Children races, to be closely related or identical to the immortal ancestors of Halflings and Gnomes, whose traits of halfling luck and gnomish eccentricity they trace back to their ever-changing spirits and affinities.

Basic Information


The Little Folk are small, unobtrusive humanoids who are naturally easy to overlook.

Genetics and Reproduction

In the Material Realm, the Little Folk reproduce into all sorts of little fey and shadow creatures. The origin of Halflings and Gnomes is attributed to some kind of blessing or social circumstance.

Biological Cycle

Little Folk in the Immortal Realms have their spirits recreated in tune with the cycle of the Ever-Created and the need of the situation.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The ever-changing spirit of the Little Folk results in heightened senses and extremely agile thought processes which allows them to outwit much larger creatures and lead a charmed existence.
Scientific Name
Parvus sempercreatus

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