Ereacia Geographic Location in Ereacia | World Anvil
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The history of Ereacia has been defined by cycles of Empire and Interregnum in the north of the continent. Even though the South, where this campaign starts, has never been part of the Empire, its dominant presence has shaped their history as well. The Third Empire was a golden age for Ereacia, which the Church proclaimed would last forever – but the cataclysm known as the Godsflood, which submerged the capital of Altanius and turned the once-fertiled Capital Province to an unnatural and harsh icy clime, ended it all the same. Nobody knows what caused the Godsflood, but a lot of people claim to know. The Chantry blames the Church. Some in the Westgauen whisper that the Granite Magisters of Cadaemar brought on this doom. Enlightened thinkers in Arlesia say the passing of the Empire is but the first step in the dawn of a new era, and that the Empire simply collapsed under its own weight. Whatever the reason for it, the world is changing as Arlesia enters a golden age, the Chantry challenges the Church, and the fragments in the North shatter further. In the disunited region of Hespial, where we start our campaign, the change is felt as the great powers jostle for influence. We’re in for a campaign of deep politics and religion, intrigue and adventure. Welcome to Ereacia.


The continent of Ereacia is part of a larger landmass, surrounded by sea on all sides and the Great Mountains to the east which form its natural eastern border. The continent's geography (and accompanying politics) is defined by the Murus Mountains, which bisect the continent and defined the southern border of the successive empires that dominated the land, dividing it from the independent nations to the south. Rivers such as the Appius, the Visteflut or Great Western River and the Endaflut, run to the sea on either side of the mountains.   Two features of Ereacia's geography have generally accepted supernatural origins. The Holy Mountain in the North of the Continent, where the Filian Church is headquartered, is believed to have been a hill until the martyrdom and resurrection of the prophet Filius Larethias, when divine intervention is believed to have made it into a towering mountain in the otherwise flat surroundings. East of the Holy Mountain, the once-fertile capital province of the Third Empire and its capital Altanius lies submerged between ice in a supernaturally cold clime as the result of a mysterious cataclysm known as the Godsflood, which shook the history of the continent.


  • Ereacia
Included Locations

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Third Empire

The Third Empire is considered a glorious age in history, lasting for more than four centuries. Since the Emperor was elected with the guiding hand of the Filiarch guiding the process, the Third Empire was ruled by various dynasties that were replaced by another when they died out or fell out of popular favour. More than Goderic’s Second Empire ever could, the Third Empire transformed the Continent. Emperor Radulphus III, for instance, forced the Magisters of Cadaemar to accept the foundation of a monastic school on their peninsula, which would later grow into the University of Cadaemar. Though Arlesia and Southern Hespial were never part of the Empire, the presence of the Third Empire to the north ensured peace and made trade prosper.

  • 428 of the Third Empire
    The Godsflood
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Third Empire would last forever, the fulfilment of prophecy, the Church jubilantly decreed. But it was not to be. By a sudden cataclysm known as the Godsflood, Altanius flooded and the climate in the Imperial Capital Region cooled off drastically. The Utlender raiders from across the mountains sailed in their longships, looting in the chaos, and settled in the harsh climate. Altanius was sealed beneath the ice. The Emperor relocated the capital to Neuhochburg in the West and continued to rule, struggling to repel the Utlenders and keep the Empire together. In the year 437 of the Third Empire, the last Emperor, Maginar Laralingi, laid down the Crown of St. Alderecorín at the feet of the Filiarch, declaring the Empire dissolved. The Westgauen and Siracoríl emerged as its successors, ruled from Neuhochburg and Corílste.


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