Abbey of Monsallorea Organization in Ereacia | World Anvil
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Abbey of Monsallorea

The Abbey of Monsallorea is an independent monastic house reputably founded by Saint Lorea Wildfriend, whose final resting place is reputed to be at the Abbey. It is not part of any holy order, and is not subject to the jurisdiction of the Archbishopric of Cappebraccia whose diocese governs the Great Austral Delta, instead being directly subject to the Filiarch. In practice, however, the Archbishop acts as the Filiarch's delegate to resolve deadlocks at the Abbey.   The Abbey is the feudal overlord of much of the Great Austral Delta and the mother house of Sanarionna Priory.   The head of the Abbey of Monsallorea is the Abbot, assisted by a Prior. The abbacy has been vacant since the death of Abbot Meloratus. Prior Brandarius Mor governs the Abbey until an abbot is elected.


The Abbot is the head of the community, assisted by his deputy, the Prior. There are a number of officers, including the sacrist and the hospitaller, who each have their own duties.


The ethos of the Abbey is one of hospitality, defined by its status as a pilgrimage site. No visitor is turned away from its gates.   The monks follow a strict but open rule of monastic life, and pray the daily prayer of the Filian Church according to their own rites. Monks freely roam the lands around the abbey.


The relics of Saint Lorea Wildfriend are kept at the abbey.


The community of monks was founded by the companions of St. Lorea after the death of the saint, as the body was interred in the miraculously flooding isle on which the abbey now stands.

"Stat Domus Dum Volvet Aestus" ("The House Stands as the Tide Turns")

Religious, Monastic Order
Alternative Names
Monsallorean Order of St. Lorea
Leader Title
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Notable Members

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