Common Items in Eraterna | World Anvil
World of Eraterna

Common Items

Common Item Cost Weight
2 Gp 2 lb.
Alms Box 1 Gp 1 lb.
Bedroll 1 Gp 2 lb.
Bell 1 Gp -
Blanket 5 Sp 5 lb.
Block and Tackle 1 Gp 5 lb.
Book 25 Gp 5 lb.
Candle 1 Cp -
Chain (10 ft) 5 Gp 10 lb.
Chalk (1 pc) 1 Cp -
Component's Pack 25 Gp 2 lb.
Crowbar 2 Gp 5 lb.
Fishing Tackle 1 Gp 4 lb.
Grappling Hook 2 Gp 4 lb.
Hammer 1 Gp 3 lb.
Hourglass 25 Gp 1 lb.
Hunting Trap 5 Gp 25 lb.
Incense (Block) 1 Gp -
Ink 10 Gp -
Ink Pen 2 Cp -
Key 1 Sp -
Ladder (10 ft) 1 Sp 25 lb.
Lamp 5 Sp 1 lb.
Lantern - Bullseye 10 Gp 2 lb.
Lantern - Hooded 5 Gp 2 lb.
Lock 10 Gp 1 lb.
Magnifying Glass 100 Gp -
Manacles 2 Gp 6 lb.
Miner's Pick 2 Gp 10 lb.
Paper (1 pc) 2 Sp -
Parchment (1 sheet) 1 Sp -
Perfume (vial) 5 Gp -
Pipe 1 Sp 0.25 lb.
Piton 5 Cp 0.25 lb.
Pole (10 ft) 5 Cp 7 lb.
Pot - Clay 2 Sp 10 lb.
Pot - Iron 2 Gp 10 lb.
Portable Ram 4 Gp 35 lb.
Rations (1 day) 5 Sp 2 lb.
Rope - Hemp (50 ft) 1 Gp 10 lb.
Rope - Silk (50 ft) 10 Gp 5 lb.
Scale - Merchant's 5 Gp 3 lb.
Sealing Wax 5 Sp -
Shovel 2 Gp 5 lb.
Signal Whistle 5 Cp -
Signet Ring 5 Gp -
Sledgehammer 2 Gp 10 lb.
Spellbook 50 Gp 3 lb.
Spikes - Iron (10) 1 Gp 5 lb.
Spyglass 1000 Gp 1 lb.
Tent (2-person) 2 Gp 20 lb.
Tinderbox 5 Sp 1 lb.
Torch 1 Cp 1 lb.
Whetstone 1 Cp 1 lb.
*This represents the average cost of goods. Prices may vary all around the world.


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