Fort Morninglord Building / Landmark in Era of Bhaal | World Anvil
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Fort Morninglord

Several years ago, the entire complement of paladins at Fort Morninglord simply disappeared in a calamitous event that blackened every stone and sealed its doors and windows. The High Observer at the time ordered the fort, a day’s ride west of Elturel, to be bricked up, and the curious forbidden entrance, for fear of what evil they might release into the world. The fort remains sealed today, and guards occupy a fortified encampment nearby to patrol this area and serve as a deterrent to adventurers and other ne’er-do-wells who might otherwise try to find whatever is trapped in the fort’s depths. The High Overseer of Torm feared the fort was contaminated by some evil and ordered all entrances sealed and declared that anyone entering the fort would be outlawed.
1491 DR
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