High Prince of Seraline Rank/Title in Eotha | World Anvil

High Prince of Seraline

The Prince or Princess of Seraline is the ruler of the Principality of Seraline and commander of their military.


The High Prince or Princess is selected only from among the eldest capable warriors of Seraline. A contest is created by the caretakers of Sera'na to determine the next High Prince. A contest of war games, trial by ritual combat and recitations of past deeds are all used in this contest. If there is no clear winner following these contests a battle to the death is required. A High Prince who attains their title through the death of their opponent is known as a Blood Prince and will find themselves far more likely to be deposed if they make a misstep.


This role is hereditary, however ceremonies exist to depose Princes or Princesses who do not discharge their duties adequately.


The Prince of Seraline is the head of state for the Principality and is expected to negotiate all of Seraline's treaties and alliances. The Prince is expected to manage and fulfill any bounties created by the Seralinian communities and is also the only one able to appeal a bounty.   The Prince is also expected to the be the foremost military commander and warrior. The Prince commands the Royal Family of Seraline who comprise the standing military of the Tal'dorenth.

Accoutrements & Equipment

The Blade of Sera, a powerful glaive made by smiths under the guidance of Corellon. The Blade of Sera is one of the Vestments of Authority granted to all the Uluandi princes and princess upon their first crowning.   The Mantle of the Grove, a ceremonial cloak that is worn when dispensing or appealing the rite of bounty or performing matters of state. This item is enchanted to give the wearer great wisdom.   The Moonshard Crown, this crown was created for Prince Theran after he retook Sera'na and defeated their Yuan'Ti aggressors in the early days of the Time of Terror. It has become one the symbols of office for the High Prince, representing the Seralinian philosophy that nothing matters in war, save victory.


The title of High Prince only came into use in the early days of the Age of Expansion. As the royal families expanded, with second, third and forth cousins becoming more common the designation High Prince began to be used simply to avoid confusion. The brothers or sister of any prince had the right to take the title of Prince or Princess and so over time there became many princes and princesses.
Nobility, Hereditary
According to legend during the Time of Age of Tutelage, Corellon - the prime shard of the Elven creator choose select heroes and leaders from among the Elves and made them princes and princesses.
Alternative Naming
High Princess of Seraline
Source of Authority
Divine Inheritance and Merit
Length of Term
For Life
First Holder
Current Holders
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