Spell Casting in Eoth in Eoth | World Anvil

Spell Casting in Eoth

Spellcasters cast spells by tracing two-dimensional runes in the air or on a surface. For a particular spell, there are variations - different spell casters have learned different runes or different rune combinations to create the same effect. The runes have colors to them based on the school of magic:

Abjuration: Light Blue
Conjuration: Yellow
Divination: Grey
Enchantment: Magenta
Evocation: Deep red
Illusion: Purple
Necromancy: Green
Transmutation: Orange
Universal: White, because it's lacking quality that would give it color.

The colors are subtle. They do not produce any light themselves - it more like they briefly create a colored dust that fades ones the spell is cast. Someone not observing closely might not notice the shapes in the air.

Spell Components: Generally, you will not need to keep track of spell material components during the campaign. Exceptions are:
  • When a new spell is acquired, you made need to acquire the required material component.
  • Spells that consume the material component - keep track of these in the inventory.
  • If you do not have you material component pouch, you will be unable to cast spells requiring those material components.


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