Cera Character in Eonga | World Anvil
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Cera Permavolt

Cera is a Dust Gnome that spent some time raiding The Forge of Fury with Aust, Rosalin, Hallow, Shardon, and Immeral.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Cera is in a healthy state, with nothing outstanding to note.

Special abilities

Cera possess rare and unique abilities in that she is one of the few Technomancers of the world, an offshoot of Artificery.

Apparel & Accessories

Not changing her look much from when she lived in Mentian Cera dresses in beige and brown Studded Leather armor usually.

Specialized Equipment

While Cera has a particular affinity for automatons, she is actually more specialized with making weaponry. Her Charged Blades and Auto-Loading Crossbows are far above par. She is also adept in using Tinker's Tools, but that is much less specific to Technomancers.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Cera's life in Mentian was like many others living in the country: Bland. Boring. Nothing going on. Not so much as an attack on your town because the bandits decided literally anywhere else in the world is a better place to find loot. Cera had her time occupied in her youth by learning all there is to know about Technomancers from her grandfather, one of the first Technomancers. It wasn't until Baern waltzed his way into her life that Cera developed any aspirations beyond working in her grandfather's workshop. With Baern and Darastrix in tow Cera decided to set life on her own path and leave Mentian for Waterdeep and The Yawning Portal.

Gender Identity





Cera is largely not formally educated, opting instead to be taught by her grandfather, one of the first Technomancers. Due to this, most of her knowledge is engineering and mechanically related, but she still found time to be taught about a variety of natures by Darastrix, despite not straying outside of the desert for the majority of her life.


For most of her life Cera worked with her grandfather in his mobile workshop crafting and selling technological doodads for coin. Whether a town needed parts for repairs or a craftsman was looking for a new tool, they'd make it. Once she set out from Mentian with Baern and Darastrix she took up adventuring with them.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Cera is one of the first individuals to figure out how to properly get the gears turning on automatons and have them functioning with only wireless inputs.

Intellectual Characteristics

While extremely well-versed in engineering, Cera isn't actually all that great herself in other aspects that most people would expect an "intelligent" person to know. Whenever met with a problem of the magical or natural persuasion Cera would usually redirect the problem to Baern or Darastrix or if they aren't around, think about what they would say and hope she's right.

Personality Characteristics


Much like Baern and Darastrix, Cera is motivated to continue learning in order to answer the question on the note that their now lost friend has left behind.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Cera is extremely good with mechanics and metal-working, but with the natural and arcane world in mind, Cera is not your source of knowledge.


Contacts & Relations

Cera is close friends with Baern as well as with Darastrix.

Family Ties

Cera's grandfather still makes a living in Mentian, but she also regards both Baern and Darastrix as family, despite the obviously non-existent biological connection.



Friend (Vital)

Towards Cera




Friend (Important)

Towards Baern




Baern and Cera met each other on the road between towns in Mentian, and quickly hit it off as friends. Due to their lifespans this has allowed them to develop a closer relationship with each other than Darastrix.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

They both share an interest in research and learning more about the world.

Shared Secrets

Cera and Bearn, as well as Darastrix, are all looking to decipher the answer out of the note left by their missing colleague.

Shared Acquaintances

Darastrix, the Desert Druid Lizardfolk


Friend (Important)

Towards Darastrix




Friend (Important)

Towards Cera




Darastrix met Cera at the same time that he met Baern, when the two coincidentally ended up in the same Mentian town as Darastrix's family was going through.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Cera and Darastrix, as well as Baern, all share a passion for research, a pursuit of knowledge. Together they hope to have a complete, comprehensive understanding of the world.

Shared Secrets

Cera and Darastrix, as well as Bearn, are all looking to decipher the answer out of the note left by their missing colleague.

Shared Acquaintances

Bearn, the Dune Dwarf Wizard

Neutral Good
Current Location
Current Residence
Bright Green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
3' 2"
36 lbs.
Known Languages
Gnomish, Draconic, Dwarvish, Elvish, Orcish, Infernal, Secret Code

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