The Haze Condition in Eodora | World Anvil

The Haze

The haze is a common condition caused by the drug known as Byrskyr. Byrskyr is a chemical creation that hails from the Norfold Taiga and its creation is only known to the local tribes that live there. Ingesting the Byrskyr stimulates the body to create several compounds within the body of those who take it. The major compound that is being created by the drug is adrenaline. In addition to stimulating the glands within the body, it also alters the perception and an altered state of consciousness of the person who ingests the Byrskyr. A common result of the altered perception is becoming agitated more easily and volatile swings within the mood of the user.    The haze is the altered state of both the mind and body of the user. Those who are under the influence of the haze are harder to communicate with as their senses are altered and often suffer from a sense of invincibility. This sense of invincibility can be justified to a degree as those who are under the influence of the haze have proven to be able to sustain more blows to the body without the body collapsing or going into shock because of the damages caused to it. Those that are under the haze and this sense of invincibility have also shown to be more challenging of those who stand in their way and becoming more reckless in the process. The warped perception caused by the chemical compound is described as everything being "hazy" by those that have been under the influence of it. Those that suffer from the hazy state have shown that it is hard for them to distinguish friend from foe in stressful situations. Because of the hazy state that the people find themselves in, this state has been named the haze.


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