Natur cultivator
Career Progression
Maintainer or Natur Maintainer
Maintainer or Natur Maintainer
Natur cultivateors restores Flora and furna after wildfires, disasters and other events like that, that risks the entecrety og an ecosystem. They also cultivates new plats and animal life on newly created islands, helps in the removal of unwanted creatures and plants if possible, without doing damage to the affected ecosystems.
Social Status
Cultivators are not prosived very well by most of spciety. They are by many consided to be dirty, unwased hermits, living and working on the outskrits of civilisation. Even thoge this is not realy true, yes there are a few coltivators like that. It is by far the fewest number, that acctualy is as many think.
The thought that most people have of it being a dirty and or filthy job , stems from the founding of the profession. The original grupe how lived of doing the profession of Natur cultivator, were very idealistic druids, herbalists and farmers.
After around a century, this were not realy the case anymore. Because of the coordination efforts and finding people to pay for the services. It quickly evolved into what is is today. But the original thought of the profession, still remains after centuries.
In the first century it had a long hard time, remaning a evebale proffesion. As it slowly evolved in the days, 65 years into it, a young woman became a natur cultivator apprentice. She came from nobility, with a strong passoin and natur nurtuering ideaology, that set of the changes in the profseion. After almost twenty years of her effetes, a bit of buissnes sens had made its way into the the enclave of cultivators she were working with, and from there it started tacking form.
After around a century, this were not realy the case anymore. Because of the coordination efforts and finding people to pay for the services. It quickly evolved into what is is today. But the original thought of the profession, still remains after centuries.
In the first century it had a long hard time, remaning a evebale proffesion. As it slowly evolved in the days, 65 years into it, a young woman became a natur cultivator apprentice. She came from nobility, with a strong passoin and natur nurtuering ideaology, that set of the changes in the profseion. After almost twenty years of her effetes, a bit of buissnes sens had made its way into the the enclave of cultivators she were working with, and from there it started tacking form.