Umiwaki Empire Geographic Location in Enies - Adder Galaxy | World Anvil

Umiwaki Empire


Further away from the continent stands the Umiwaki archipelago, composed of two main islands and a hundred of smaller islands islets, reefs, coral reefs and bays known as the Bay of Isles.

The largest island is the island of Netsuma. The most notables cities there are the capital, and Onigashima.
  The island of Izami is the second main island of Umiwaki, located southeast of Netsuma, its southern and eastern coasts are full of smaller islets and rocky reefs, making hard to travel directly between the two islands.
It’s the lair of the Kyuuei Clan, main opposition to the shogunate. Many villages have been deserted or wiped out by the Kyuuei’s rule.
Alternative Name(s)
Umiwaki Empire, Umiwaki archipelago
Included Locations
Additional Rulers/Owners
Ruling/Owning Rank
Related Tradition (Primary)
Inhabiting Species