The encyclopaedia tellurica The Thaumoindustrial Revolution Timeline

The Thaumoindustrial Revolution

The quantum leap forward of technomancy in Hyperborea

Birth of a Revolution

875 ICE 879 ICE

  • 875 ICE

    12 Mizento

    Hawkwright Frame & Principia Arcana
    Discovery, Scientific

    At around the same time as Valentine's Principia Arcana is published, a financially-challenged magician named Robert Hawkwright uses its principles to invent a self-spinning, self-carding textile frame on a bet. The Hawkwright Frame revolutionises the textiles industry, and Hawkwright becomes extraordinarily rich.

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  • 877 ICE

    Billingsley's Geomantic Compass
    Technological achievement

    Billingsley & Co. Clockmakers invent the geothaumic compass for aeronautical and submarine navigation.

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  • 879 ICE

    3 Saeritas 13:00

    Rediscovery of Madumanar
    Discovery, Exploration

    Imperial charters are granted to survey and explore the West Rim of Hyperborea, north of Tol Annun. Famous for centuries as an impassable, monster-infested wilderness, the region's abundant natural resources make it worth the risk to a maturing Empire. Dozens of expeditions depart yearly; many of these don't come back.

    In 879, the archaeomantic expedition led by Professor Julia Moreno of the Imperial University at Maunder made anchor in the bay where the mouth of the Wisidivescor River meets the Dyscrasic Ocean. Intending to make an archaeomantic survey of goblin ruins in the area, base camp was established within the mostly-intact tower atop Beacon Hill. When circumstances necessitated a change of plan, the expedition's resulting re-activation of the Tallwater Beacon proved key to the success of subsequent settlement efforts in the area.

    West Rim

The War for the Sky

880 ICE 952 ICE

A period of lawlessness on the Frontier kicks leads to advances in ship-to-ship communications, which eventually evolve into Broadcast Media.

  • 880 ICE

    930 ICE

    The Mechanization Boom
    Technological achievement

    Rising populations requiring more resources need to gather from further afield. Steam technomancy arises to solve transportation issues, and a supply chain develops across Hyperborea.

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  • 882 ICE

    15 Mizento

    First to Flight
    Technological achievement

    After years of competition with the Empire's finest minds, Runemarked shipwrights in Taine, Lakelands, are the first to perfect technomantic flight.

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  • 883 ICE

    Steam Avionics
    Technological achievement

    The technology so recently developed for land, sea, and underground exploration is adapted to flight technology. No longer dependent on wind for propulsion, ships stop taking their design cues from sailing vessels, and begin to incorporate more nature-inspired design elements.

  • 890 ICE

    940 ICE

    Rise of the Robber Barons
    Cultural event

    The powers of central Hyperborea begin their own expansion efforts.

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  • 890 ICE

    1 Somnos

    Incorporation of the Town of Tallwater

    Whether it's lost treasure or a piece of land, the relative safety provided by the Tallwater Beacon has brought outsiders to the mouth of the Wisidivescor in droves. Overnight, camps become shanties which mature into villages, which grow together to become the Town of Tallwater.

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  • 905 ICE

    1 Iraf 03:00
    910 ICE

    3 Barrada 13:00

    The Assassin Wars
    Military: War

    As the Runemarked Houses grow and assert themselves within the Lakelands, they begin to bump into each other, and the Empire. Too small to engage in full-on conflict, it becomes the Baronial fashion to employ assassins to remove one's enemies.

  • See John Wick for inspiration.
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  • 930 ICE

    4 Saeritas

    Incorporation of the City of Tallwater
    Civil action

    The twenty towns within Tallwater County are amalgamated into the City and County of Tallwater.

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  • The Transportation Boom

    880 ICE 930 ICE

    Airships, Trains, and submersible vessels enter widespread use.

    • 880 ICE

      930 ICE

      The Mechanization Boom
      Technological achievement

      Rising populations requiring more resources need to gather from further afield. Steam technomancy arises to solve transportation issues, and a supply chain develops across Hyperborea.

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    • 882 ICE

      15 Mizento

      First to Flight
      Technological achievement

      After years of competition with the Empire's finest minds, Runemarked shipwrights in Taine, Lakelands, are the first to perfect technomantic flight.

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    • 883 ICE

      Steam Avionics
      Technological achievement

      The technology so recently developed for land, sea, and underground exploration is adapted to flight technology. No longer dependent on wind for propulsion, ships stop taking their design cues from sailing vessels, and begin to incorporate more nature-inspired design elements.

    • 890 ICE

      940 ICE

      Rise of the Robber Barons
      Cultural event

      The powers of central Hyperborea begin their own expansion efforts.

      Additional timelines
    • 890 ICE

      1 Somnos

      Incorporation of the Town of Tallwater

      Whether it's lost treasure or a piece of land, the relative safety provided by the Tallwater Beacon has brought outsiders to the mouth of the Wisidivescor in droves. Overnight, camps become shanties which mature into villages, which grow together to become the Town of Tallwater.

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    • 905 ICE

      1 Iraf 03:00
      910 ICE

      3 Barrada 13:00

      The Assassin Wars
      Military: War

      As the Runemarked Houses grow and assert themselves within the Lakelands, they begin to bump into each other, and the Empire. Too small to engage in full-on conflict, it becomes the Baronial fashion to employ assassins to remove one's enemies.

    • See John Wick for inspiration.
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    History of the Runeverse
  • 930 ICE

    4 Saeritas

    Incorporation of the City of Tallwater
    Civil action

    The twenty towns within Tallwater County are amalgamated into the City and County of Tallwater.

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  • The Goblin Craze

    883 ICE 900 ICE

    Colonial fetishization of goblin historical cultures leads to an overall downgrade in quality of life for goblins in Hyperborea.

    Rise of the Robber Barons

    890 ICE 940 ICE

    Additional timelines
    History of the Runeverse
  • 930 ICE

    4 Saeritas

    Incorporation of the City of Tallwater
    Civil action

    The twenty towns within Tallwater County are amalgamated into the City and County of Tallwater.

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