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Rise of the Ard-Ri


At the bottom of the Glassmere in the Republic of Bael Bradach, in a sealed vault built by Dwarf hands, there exists a magificent treasure of exceeding value and potency which will exalt its owner to the High Throne (Ard-Ri) of Tol Annun, to rule in glory and perfection forever and ever. What exactly this great and magnificent treasure is varies from telling to telling, as do the circumstances of the protagonist's birth, but en large the commonalities of these tales outweigh their differences.   The general shape of the legend goes that a child born on a solstice shall rise from humble origins to break the curse upon the Glassmere and recover the treasure which Prince Calenar gave up his life -- and the high throne of Tol Amrun -- to protect. In the end, this figure is fated to re-open the doors to Dream, and return the world to the glories of the High Mythic (Lost) age.

Historical Basis

This legend obviously springs from the very real and very dangerous curse on the Glassmere Valley, which has left the area feral for centuries. While it cites several historical facts in its narrative, the wise reader will remain skeptical of its veracity based solely on the fact that the circumstances for the Ard-Ri's birth have changed seven times in the history of this legend, always to an easily-predictable cosmic event.


The ubiquitous spread of Elvenkind throughout the Five Empires has seen this legend find listeners worldwide. Even so, it remains the sort of thing that families pass along between generations, with quiet additions and particular foci added by succeeding generations of storytellers.

Variations & Mutation

The nature and circumstances of the Ard-Ri's birth change between the most popular versions of the legend, as do the particulars of the magificent treasure the Glassmere guards. The three most popular are:

Herald of the Archfey

The perfectly-preserved village on the floor of the Glassmere contains a working door to Dream, through with the Archfey may physically return to the Material and bring with them a New High Mythic Age. As a being of perfect spirit born of the Material, the Ard-Ri interprets the will of the Archfey and leads benevolently forever and forever.

Shepherd of Elvenkind

As above, except the door functions as an escape from the Material to Dream. After gathering the scattered feyborn masses from around the worlds the Ard-Ri leads Elvenkind to endless prosperity in the land of its ancestors, in the presence of the Archfey and beyond the grip of time forever and ever.

Half-Blood Most High

A half-blooded elf breaks the curse using human trickery to unearth terrible secrets of earth-shattering magic buried deep in the flooded caverns beneath the city. Overwhelmed by the fire in their human blood, they cannot resist the temptation to wield the power, and after a short but glorious reign are consumed by it. Although many mighty achievements are made, they are soon undone and the Half-Blood Most High is undone with them. In a final moment of sanity and repenting their many crimes, the power of the Ard-Ri is returned to the Glassmere under a curse even more dire than the one that kept it there in the first place.

In Literature

The Half-Blood Most High variant was made into a bestselling penny dreadful series, written by Faladil Moonstar and published by Farlight Press in Hadrinsberg, Doberlund.

1. Ancient Irgani, lit. "dweller upon the highest of thrones"

Study Notes Versiontm

The tale of the Ard-Ri(1) tells of an anointed leader who will break the insidious curse on the Glassmere and liberate the priceless relic interred at the bottom, possession of which will confer upon them the rights and powers of true and goodly leadership for all of Elvenkind forever and forever, so be it.

As is the way of such things, its popularity waxes and wanes in direct proportion to the popularity of the reigning Courts.

Date of First Recording
400 IR
Date of Setting


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