Nameless Empire Organization in Emicara | World Anvil

Nameless Empire

The Nameless Empire is how the people of Emicara refer to the human nation that once covered the entire land and beyond. Most scholars believe that this Empire once ruled the entire known world and much of the world beyond both the Endless Ocean and the Land of Giants. All paid homage to the emperors of old, and the nations of Emicara are a mere reflection of what once was. The Nameless Empire was destroyed in a cataclysmic war against its rivals across the Endless Ocean and the weapons and magic used were so devastating that they killed millions and left the cities of old in ruins that still choke the wilderness to this day.


The Nameless Empire is said to have been obsessed with worldly pleasures and the development of technology and magic. They would seek out these things at the expense of their spirituality, and according to the Church of the One Sun, their very souls. The decadence and preference for leisure of the Nameless Empire is their defining trait, and it is often argued that the lack of material worldliness is what led to the deaths of many millions in the wake of the war that brought the nation low.


The history of the Nameless Empire is shrouded in myth and misinformation. The Church of the One Sun has destroyed many ancient documents and texts relating to the history of the old world, and archaeological digs of the ruins that remain have only recently begun occurring. It is believed that the Nameless Empire was founded by settlers from another human nation far across the Endless Ocean. In time this humble settlement, the city of Augustin according to some, turned into the most powerful force ever seen by the world. The new nation toppled their masters across the sea and used their mighty magic to expand relentlessly across the land, crushing the dwarves and other inhabitants within the interior. Even the giants were driven nearly to extinction.    The expansion of the empire was not met without the rise of new enemies. Distant threats around the world would constantly emerge to challenge the united Emicara. These forces were consistently crushed. In time, however, they developed magic and abilities nearly as or perhaps even more powerful than the greatest of Emicaran wizards. The tension brought the world to a standstill that ultimately erupted into the final war. The war destroyed the Nameless Empire, and while some of the aristocracy and lower classes survived, those who did either regressed into savagery or formed the bases of the nations that exist in the modern day.


The powerful magic of the enemies of the Nameless Empire proved to be too much. The Elder Emicarans destroyed countless enemies in the final war, but there were too many, having been formed over centuries of expansion. The war destroyed all of the infrastructure and organization of the old world and those who survived did so only in scattered citadels and small communities that had not gathered the notice of the enemies' weaponry.
Dissolution Date
Dustfall 23, 0 AF
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
United Emicara, Unistatia
Elder Emicaran
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Market economy
Official Languages

  • 512 BF

    City of Augustin Founded

    The first city in the land that became Emicara was founded by a group of settlers from a land across the Endless Ocean.

  • 363 BF

    Founding of Wetumpka

    Built as a small trading post and fort, the town of Wetumpka was originally created by rivals of those who would become the Nameless Empire.

    Additional timelines
  • 301 BF

    Founding of the Nameless Empire

    After a lengthy revolution, the Nameless Empire begins, as they began expanding from their humble origins.

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  • 283 BF

    Dwarven Strongholds Sealed
    Political event

    In the wake of rising oppression and expansion by the Nameless Empire, the dwarven strongholds of Emicara seal their doors for the indefinite future.

  • 277 BF

    Founding of Waycross

    Emerging from an intersection of three major trade routes of the Nameless Empire, Waycross was incorporated as a minor town and junction.

    Additional timelines
  • 271 BF

    Borvalt Kiralyno Reopens Doors
    Political event

    Unwilling to stay in isolation like the other dwarven citadels, the dwarves of Borvalt Kiralyno reopen their door and reengage with the Nameless Empire.

  • 258 BF

    Nameless Empire Founds City on the Sypi River

    Created as a trading post along the Sypi River, in this year the city that would one day become the ruins known as the Shards was founded.

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  • 257 BF

    Founding of Dahlonega

    The city of Dahlonega is founded by settlers of the Nameless Empire after gold was discovered in the foothills of the Apps Mountains.

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  • 239 BF

    Founding of Castle Davenport

    Seeking to establish control over the then sparsely populated Jakonian Peninsula, the Nameless Empire created Castle Davenport to exert control over the region.

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  • 187 BF

    Founding of Demon's Rest

    The town of Demon's Rest founded by a group of settlers in the Nameless Empire seeking a place free of spirits.

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  • 172 BF

    City of Light Founded

    The Sunborn's treasured City of Light is founded as a mundane city in the Nameless Empire.

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  • 142 BF

    8 Newdawn

    Birth of the King
    Religious event

    This marks the mortal birth of the most holy figure in the Alsonan pantheon: the King.

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  • 117 BF

    Founding of the Villages

    Seeking a place for halfling residents of the Nameless Empire to avoid the discrimination inherent in a human society, a group of halflings proceeded to create the Villages, a place were halflings would never have to interact with those different than themselves.

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  • 111 BF

    Founding of the Colegio de Banderas

    The Colegio de Banderas is founded in the city of Augustin, marking the first known major institute of higher learning in Emicara that still continues operations to this day.

  • 108 BF

    Founding of Palm

    The leisure and religious community of Palm is developed in the southernmost province of the Nameless Empire.

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  • 100 BF

    16 Ashfall

    Ascension of the King
    Religious event

    Upon this date, the King shed his mortal form, deposed the former king of gods, and became the first human to ascend to divinity.

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  • 44 BF

    Construction of the Tomb of the King
    Construction beginning/end

    Respected at the time of the Nameless Empire, the one who became The King was built a magnificent burial complex by his most devoted followers. In the years to come, it would become the primary religious center of a new faith, even after the destruction of the Empire.

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  • 42 BF

    First Automaton Created
    Scientific achievement

    This marks the approximate year the Nameless Empire created the first automaton for service in their realm.

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  • 5 BF

    Borvalt Kiralyno Closes Doors Once Again
    Political event

    Seeing the coming collapse and Last War on the horizon, the Kiralyno dwarves withdrew from service to the Nameless Empire and sealed their doors.

  • 3 BF

    Jakonian Militia Escapes Nameless Empire Prison

    The ancestors of the Jakson family escaped from a Nameless Empire prison and ended up taking refuge in the town of Yahoo.

  • 0 BF

    23 Dustfall

    The End of the Nameless Empire
    Era beginning/end

    The Nameless Empire was once the greatest and most powerful nation throughout the world, ruling over vast continents and huge swathes of land. Their resources were boundless and unending. Unfortunately, a vast war of magic brought the Empire crashing down, destroying most of the great population centers and ending the lives of millions, perhaps billions. The end of this war left the survivors to pick up the pieces, bringing about a new era of civilization in Emicara.

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  • 31 AF

    Leesburg Founded

    Town of Leesburg is reestablished following the arrival of refugees from the collapse of the Nameless Empire.

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  • 43 AF

    Razing of Castle Davenport
    Military action

    As the Jakonians began their early steps towards empire, the town of Davenport stood against them, unified with the others who had been trod upon by Jakonian conquest. Despite their defiance, the Davenportans were crushed by the Jakonian regiments, and the town was razed to the ground.

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  • 64 AF

    75 AF

    Giants Invade from the North
    Population Migration / Travel

    After the collapse of the Nameless Empire, the giants of the northlands mustered greater strength than ever seen, fleeing from encroaching cold. They overran the settlements and tribes of the lands west of the Sypi and established a new empire of their own.

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  • 121 AF

    Nameless Empire Leaders Flee to Mersan Territory
    Population Migration / Travel

    With their own stockpiles and supplies exhausted, the descendants of the Nameless Empire leadership appeal to the Mersans for aid, and they are welcomed within the Apps.

  • 128 AF

    28 Bloodset

    Mersan Regency Formed
    Political event

    With the influence of the Nameless Empire refugees, the Mersan Regency is formed.

  • 212 AF

    Founding of Epsilo

    Needing a base of operations closer to Jakonia and the other powers of the peninsula, forces loyal to the government of the defunct Nameless Empire established the outpost of Epsilo.

  • 218 AF

    17 Riftwane

    Formation of the Enclave
    Political event

    The rise of the Jakonian Empire was concerning to its neighbors, and in response to the Jakonian effort to pacify the Badlands, Recfrere, the Mersan Republic, and Forard established the Enclave of the Old Empire, with the assistance of a remnant of Nameless Empire leaders.

  • 244 AF

    252 AF

    Enclave War
    Military action

    Having secured a route through the Badlands, the Jakonian Empire faced off against one of its greatest enemies. An alliance between the Kingdom of Recfrere, the Mersan Union, and the Kingdom of Forard. Having been rallied by an enclave of descendants of Nameless Empire royalty, the alliance threatened the future of Jakonia. The Jakonians attacked first and defeated their enemies, annexing all of Forard, and large swathes of the Mersan Union and Recfrere.


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